I'm Calling Beer Thirty

Reading trysail would make anyone thirsty.

Chuck us one of those, Jim. It's after 7am, it's fine. :D
I could go for a beer or twenty. Cheers.

Wait, should I spike my iced tea? I should spike my iced tea.
FireFly Vodka comes that way already.

You need a Charleston trip.

Make sure you pack the ta's.:cool:

If we're talking about what I think we're talking about, they'd clearly be my carry-on.

I think I did try sweet tea vodka once. It was good. I don't usually like the flavored stuff, either. It reminds me too much of freshman year and jello wrestling.
i am sadly without beer. or wine. or spirits.
but i have coffee, and the threads are all there ready for your beery browsing pleasure.
I just got home from work, took off my bra and opened a bottle of hard cider. That totally counts.
Well...it's 4:24 in the Mountain Time Zone.

