I'm better looking than Hanns

really - wish I'd seen her front too

her bunghole was fucking huge!!!

Pimple on her ass - but I got off.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I got a good look at his momma while fucking her last night, and if there's anything to genetics, ug-LEE.

Unclean! Unclean!!!!
Shit, what time did you have her? Was it before 9:00? Ah I guess it doesn't matter, I only got a blow job. At least I think it was his mom. Did she have 5 o'clock shadow when you were with her?
No, but she did thank me for finally purifying the hole that crapped out Hanns. Kissed my ring, and everything.
Nah - she's dead allright...

I mean - she wouldn't fuck me back.

One non-enthused bitch she.

Dead to me anyway.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
She's not dead. She's hiding.

There's no Witness Protection program good enough.

Dixon, did she try to get you to read the 'Watchtower'?
Hanns_Schmidt said:

Otherwise it would have been my life mission to hunt each and everyone one of you, and shoot you in the face

Start at the Colony Theatre in Burbank, why dontcha? LOL
I can't get past the first three words in a Yayati post any more. It's like finding a "Family Matters" re-run and wondering if you should watch -- Nah.