IHOP, Good food? Or a good description of someone on a hotplate?


Cunningly Concealed
Oct 28, 2002
Or is it a phrase that would send me into ecstacies of viewing pleasure from many of Lit's lovely ladies?

Discuss. I'll be right back as I need to set-up this here trampoline.
International House of Patience

It takes forever to get served there

Hop on Pop?
If that's an invitation I am SOOOOO there.
*your AV is making me wiggle suggestively in your direction*

If that's a statement of intent... then :D :rose:
I haven't been to an actual IHOP in years.

They just opened one near me. Should I go?

I remember liking the chocolate chip pancakes with the whipped cream.


And they say you cant have whipped cream for breakfast.
Thier food is good, I'd go. Just be prepared to wait.

Whipped cream is good at ANY meal
Agreed. And also between meals, and on special friends...

... but I digress.
I want pancakes!

(harvest nut and grain ones with lots of butter and syrup)
amelia said:
I want pancakes!

(harvest nut and grain ones with lots of butter and syrup)
*pours syrup and spreads butter on your stack*

ooops :eek: I should have waited for the pancakes.
It used to be fun to go there at three in the morning and watch the people come in and try to eat, after drinking all night. They always thought that no matter how much they drank that night, if they could just get some food in them, they would sober up.

They also seemed to forget that the police were almost always in there at that time getting themselves something to eat.:eek:
Ahhh yes. IHOP after a night on the town.

My friends and I go to a local spot that serves up some of the best homestyle breakfasts around. Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, big, fluffy homemade biscuits and good strong coffee.

damn...I'm hungry now
I think that while one IHOP can be really good the other one will suck. Example.. the one in Pfluggerville is pretty decent.. but the one is Waco is nasty!
You're right Purdy. The one near me is good, but the one on the other side of town is horrid. But there's one in Austin that is fairly good, while the one we stopped at in Dallas on our way to Lake Texoma was barely passable.
Will have to learn the quality of the local establishment.

I'd hate to recommend it without proper knowledge.
*cheerfully bounces on trampuline while serving up hotcakes and steamy sausages*

Breakfast anyone? :D
At three in the morning and you're drunk as a skunk, it is a good place to dine! :D
This would really boost their sales if all the perky little waitresses served while bouncing on these thingies....

*bounce bounce bounce*
