Ignore the long thread posters, and your screen returns to normal folks.

Nov 22, 2002
Just click their profile and add them to your ignore list and poof....everythings fine, screens normal, and they can spend the next week trying to figure out a new way to be boring.....LMAO!

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

I thought you'd still see their threads, even if you had someone ignored - that's what people said last night anyway.

Oh well, who cares - it works. :D
Holy crap that's new. lol

We can ignore threads now too!?!

Yay Laurel!
Its not new, just ignore the creator of the thread and poof....alls well.

By the way Sun.....I listened to the Voices of Literoticans thread deal a while back.....you sounded awsome.

Right on.........resurect this thread every now and then if this crap persists for people that need to know how to deal .....

Well, in a sense it is new because for a long time, although you would not be able to read the ignored member's posts, you could still see their thread on the page.

In any event, nice idea for a thread! Eureeka! They're gone!
thank you!

It was hurting my head to look at the boards!!!

OH Rambling Rose - cute AV!!!
Its new and one I lobbied for publicly many times over the past year. It kicks ass. Fuck the long threads now I dont need to see bratcat threads!
Indigo.Rose has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.

No more pig cunt!

What shall we do about the jackasses that bump these threads?
Purple Haze said:
What shall we do about the jackasses that bump these threads?

What difference does it make if you can't see them?
modest mouse said:
Its new and one I lobbied for publicly many times over the past year. It kicks ass. Fuck the long threads now I dont need to see bratcat threads!

Cool. Actually the stupid threads clogging up the board are amny times more irritating than individual posts. I'm going to put all the never-ending thread authors on ignore.

Modest mouse for Senate majority leader! Yay!
Killswitch said:
Just click their profile and add them to your ignore list and poof....everythings fine, screens normal, and they can spend the next week trying to figure out a new way to be boring.....LMAO!

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Thanks KS
Problem Child said:
Modest mouse for Senate majority leader! Yay!

No way. I've heard that he used to smoke pot and has said racist jokes in the past.
Step right up, folks! Your new ignore feature can go from 0 to 60 in seconds!

No more "Thread of Specialness"...huzzah!
Rambling Rose said:
Step right up, folks! Your new ignore feature can go from 0 to 60 in seconds!

No more "Thread of Specialness"...huzzah!

Oh yeah! I got rid of that piece of crap right away.
RW, if you keep that under your hat I have a position for you in my office.

This feature is the shit. I've added several people to my list and the board is streamlined. Not only the all-time threads can be eradicated but also those posters who post only one type of thread for which you never care to participate.

Im an eletist and I love it.
Not to mention once and for all YOU...have the power kill the wanna be a thread killer....ummm thread.......
Ummmm yeah ok....CLICK.
I have never used the ignore feature before today.

Threads dissappearing?

Fucking cool...