If you're lengthening in the tooth . . .


Literotica Guru
Jun 16, 2002
you might remember this one.
I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag - 2003
(With apologies to Country Joe McDonald)

Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's stuck between a hard place and a rock
Way over there in damned Iraq
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for?
Oil of course, why is that a shock?
Next stop is damned Iraq;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on generals, let's move fast;
Your big chance has come at last.
Gotta smoke out those terrorists -
Kill all them Arabs, they'll not soon be missed
And you know that peace can only be won
When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come.


Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow,
Why man, it's to war we must go.
There's plenty good money to be made
By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade,
Just hope and pray that when the bombin's bad,
They come down on good 'ole Bagdad.


Well, come on mothers, we're on the clock,
Pack your boys off to damned Iraq.
Come on fathers, don't hesitate,
Send 'em off before it's too late.
Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box.
Tom Lehrer was funnier:

So long, mom,
I'm off to drop the bomb,
So don't wait up for me.
But while you swelter
Down there in your shelter
You can see me
On your TV.

While we're attacking frontally
Watch Brinkally and Huntally
Describing contrapuntally
The cities we have lost.
No need for you to miss a minute of the agonizing holocaust. Yeah!

Little Johnny Jones, he was a US pilot,
And no shrinking violet was he.
He was mighty proud when World War III was declared.
He wasn't scared, no siree!

And this is what he said on
His way to Armageddon:

So long, mom,
I'm off to drop the bomb,
So don't wait up for me.
But though I may roam,
I'll come back to my home
Although it may be
A pile of debris.

Remember, mommy,
I'm off to get a commie,
So send me a salami
And try to smile somehow.
I'll look for you when the war is over,
An hour and a half from now!
Nora said:
Tom Lehrer was funnier:

Since you don't remember Tet, I suppose so.

Kinda helps to remember the original in this case, and what it meant.
mbb308 said:
Nora said:
Tom Lehrer was funnier:

Since you don't remember Tet, I suppose so.

Kinda helps to remember the original in this case, and what it meant.

What are you talking about? You were eleven years old during tet.

S'okey, PC. Since "So Long, Mom" came out in '65 I guess I'm not allowed to find it humorous under his rationale. :rolleyes:

Which makes the '59 release of "The Masochism Tango" completely out of the question!
Nora said:
S'okey, PC. Since "So Long, Mom" came out in '65 I guess I'm not allowed to find it humorous under his rationale. :rolleyes:

Which makes the '59 release of "The Masochism Tango" completely out of the question!

He just sort of made it sound like he was "there", in the 'Nam, Hue city '68, blowing away gooks as his Marine unit fought their way to the Perfume river.

Not watching Cronkite safe at home in his jammies. No biggie, it just struck me as humorous.

Nora said:
S'okey, PC. Since "So Long, Mom" came out in '65 I guess I'm not allowed to find it humorous under his rationale. :rolleyes:

Which makes the '59 release of "The Masochism Tango" completely out of the question!

Point taken - wasn't familiar with the song.

Just got a kick out of the 'Nam - Iraq comparison. Somewhere, some kid may be feeling just that.
Problem Child said:
He just sort of made it sound like he was "there", in the 'Nam, Hue city '68, blowing away gooks as his Marine unit fought their way to the Perfume river.

Not watching Cronkite safe at home in his jammies. No biggie, it just struck me as humorous.


I think it only counts if they're footy pajamas. ;)
And here's mine I wrote a few weeks ago...

Pick up your helmet, pick up your gun,
We're going to Iraq to have ourselves some fun,
Don't ask me why I'm doin' it, don't ask me why I should,
Bush has said it's necessary and to me his word is good.
But when I get back home again, all bloody, hurt and torn,
Please don't shout at me and say you never should have 'gawn',
Remember we're doin' this for America, we're doin' this for you,
Who cares what's right, who cares what's wrong, we only know it's true,
That what we're told by Bush's men can only be correct,
'Cos we live in America and we won't let you forget...

Now all I'm looking for is a decent original tune...


Re: And here's mine I wrote a few weeks ago...

p_p_man said:
Pick up your helmet, pick up your gun,
We're going to Iraq to have ourselves some fun,
Don't ask me why I'm doin' it, don't ask me why I should,
Bush has said it's necessary and to me his word is good.
But when I get back home again, all bloody, hurt and torn,
Please don't shout at me and say you never should have 'gawn',
Remember we're doin' this for America, we're doin' this for you,
Who cares what's right, who cares what's wrong, we only know it's true,
That what we're told by Bush's men can only be correct,
'Cos we live in America and we won't let you forget...

Now all I'm looking for is a decent original tune...



That was horrible. Really.
Problem Child said:
He just sort of made it sound like he was "there", in the 'Nam, Hue city '68, blowing away gooks as his Marine unit fought their way to the Perfume river.

Not watching Cronkite safe at home in his jammies. No biggie, it just struck me as humorous.


Just the difference between what you read and what I said.
Re: And here's mine I wrote a few weeks ago...

p_p_man said:
Pick up your helmet, pick up your gun,
We're going to Iraq to have ourselves some fun,
Don't ask me why I'm doin' it, don't ask me why I should,
Bush has said it's necessary and to me his word is good.
But when I get back home again, all bloody, hurt and torn,
Please don't shout at me and say you never should have 'gawn',
Remember we're doin' this for America, we're doin' this for you,
Who cares what's right, who cares what's wrong, we only know it's true,
That what we're told by Bush's men can only be correct,
'Cos we live in America and we won't let you forget...

Now all I'm looking for is a decent original tune...



With that meter, good luck!!!!
The Doors and Jimi Hendrix....

Were the tunes of choice on AFRTS. The anti-war shit was a joke to the soldiers, beside undermining morale worse than it was. The thing that killed more soldiers in the field than Charlie, was the micro management of the war by the politicians. They surrendered and gave up, we never did! :D
Re: The Doors and Jimi Hendrix....

Lost Cause said:
The thing that killed more soldiers in the field than Charlie, was the micro management of the war by the politicians. They surrendered and gave up, we never did! :D

There was a really good scene in the extra scenes section from the "We Were Soldiers" DVD which showed that point excellently.