if you were popular in high school i need your help


Nov 14, 2001
confession time: i never went to a high school dance. ever. usually i helped set up, then went home, and sometimes came back when it was over in order to clean up. actually, i think i spent about 5 minutes at the homecoming dance my freshman year, just long enough to see that i totally didn't fit in.

however, i'm getting another shot... sorta. an organization i belong to is putting on a "queer formal" (our theme: because you never got to dance together in high school). a friend asked me to go with her, but i have no idea what the whole tradition is like, so i don't know what i'm supposed to do. she's rented a tux. i don't own any dresses and i'm broke, so i'm not sure what i'm supposed to wear. do i get her a corsage? something else?

i'm so lost
um... it's april 24. i don't have much money, i could use some of my tax refund i guess. maybe $80 or so...
thats so cool ... i didn't go to any dances at school either ... so i can't help

i wish i could go to this one :)
ChilledVodka said:
Jason and David are this year's prom king and queen...

are you kidding? jason would never go with dav...

oh wait, that was a joke. sorry.
Get drunk, puke into an umbrella in the back seat of your moms car, cum all over your dates hand, trip over curb in student parking lot, pass out on lawn for 3 hours.

Call it a night
Expertise said:
Get drunk, puke into an umbrella in the back seat of your moms car, cum all over your dates hand, trip over curb in student parking lot, pass out on lawn for 3 hours.

Call it a night

fun fun fun!
Expertise said:
Get drunk, puke into an umbrella in the back seat of your moms car, cum all over your dates hand, trip over curb in student parking lot, pass out on lawn for 3 hours.

Call it a night

drunk: check

puking in my mom's car: i don't think i could get her car from california to new york in enough time

cum on her hand: maybe if i'm lucky :devil:
just kidding! we're *friends*'

trip over curb: yeah, i probably will. especially if i dress up.

pass out on lawn: it's too damn cold to sleep outside
Oh, the one wearing the tux buys the corsage...but you should buy her a matching flower for her lapel. Check thrift shops for dresses, I'll bet you could find something useful for $30-40, and spend another $20 on alterations. Worth a try, if nothing else.
It's just a dance. Your date brings you a corsage and tries not to cop a feel while pinning it on you. You sit at a table with your friends. You vote on a little card for Prom King and Queen (or Prom Queen and Queen, whatever), you dance to your class song, and write "2 Cute 2 B 4-gotten" in people's year books. That's really it
Dixon Carter Lee said:
It's just a dance. Your date brings you a corsage and tries not to cop a feel while pinning it on you. You sit at a table with your friends. You vote on a little card for Prom King and Queen (or Prom Queen and Queen, whatever), you dance to your class song, and write "2 Cute 2 B 4-gotten" in people's year books. That's really it

okay dix, i think you were too popular in high school to help me out because that attitude is awfully blasé :p
Dixon Carter Lee said:
It's just a dance. Your date brings you a corsage and tries not to cop a feel while pinning it on you. You sit at a table with your friends. You vote on a little card for Prom King and Queen (or Prom Queen and Queen, whatever), you dance to your class song, and write "2 Cute 2 B 4-gotten" in people's year books. That's really it

No really that's it :D

As you've all of a sudden become the popular ones, you get to dance (however badly) to whatever you want, sit at your tables and drink lots, plus generally chat with everyone in the room.
You don't necessarily have to wear a dress.

Go cas chic if you want.

When I was in high school, there was a gay chick and guy who went to the "Romp" together out of protest because they couldn't bring their SOs as a date.

She wore a plum colored tux, and he a powder blue one with ruffles. I still applaud them for their integrity.
$80 is good.
popular I can never say I was, but broke? always.

Work and practice doing your hair and make up so that you know what you want and won't have to deal with the whole "my hair doesn't look right" thing. since she's wearing a tux I wouldn’t think a corsage but a single flower for her boutonniere. Just snip off the cutest bud you can find in your garden earlier that day, rinse it lightly, and stick in the fridge until it's time.
You can find a really cute, not too formal dress in any of those teenie dress shops for about $45-$50 depending. if you've got really cute shoes to go with the dress already that's even better. you probably have accessories already. play around with stuff you already have if you must get one really cute piece.

Have fun. relax. don't over think it. oh and booze helps. just not too much. And if you don’t want to get too tipsy eat a slice of bread before you go.
Lex, I wasn't popular in High School, but I've been to a couple of formal events in the past few years.

Go to Dillard's or another department store and look through their clearance racks. It's post-prom season, so they should have some great bargains. I picked up my dress for this year's ball for $30.

Barring that, PM me your dress size and I'll see if I have anything that would fit you. We've got real close to the same coloring. I'll even send you shoes if we're the same size.
pagancowgirl said:
Lex, I wasn't popular in High School, but I've been to a couple of formal events in the past few years.

Go to Dillard's or another department store and look through their clearance racks. It's post-prom season, so they should have some great bargains. I picked up my dress for this year's ball for $30.

Barring that, PM me your dress size and I'll see if I have anything that would fit you. We've got real close to the same coloring. I'll even send you shoes if we're the same size.

Lit is a truly wonderful place full of wonderful people!:rose: :rose:
bluespoke said:
Lit is a truly wonderful place full of wonderful people!:rose: :rose:

you have no idea

thank you everyone... i have to go to class and then to work, but i'll respond more when i get back tonight