If You Trust The American Press, Here's A Thought Experiment


We are in for it now.
Dec 10, 2000
If You Trust The American Press, Here's A Thought Experiment

The U.S. Defense Science Board’s report High Performance Microchip Supply ranks as probably the most devastating ever account of the speed and extent of American decline. Why therefore has it been completely overlooked, or should I say suppressed, by America’s mainstream media?

more... http://www.forbes.com/sites/eamonnf...-heres-a-thought-experiment/?partner=yahootix
I haven't trusted the bastards since I was ten years old. Always hated advertising too and realized its an attempt to sell not just products but to instill social brainwashing in the sheeple.
I haven't trusted the bastards since I was ten years old. Always hated advertising too and realized its an attempt to sell not just products but to instill social brainwashing in the sheeple.

I think the mid-eighties was the tipping point...that is when it seemed to become "OK" re-educate peoples minds to the "Correct" point of view.
If You Trust The American Press, Here's A Thought Experiment

The U.S. Defense Science Board’s report High Performance Microchip Supply ranks as probably the most devastating ever account of the speed and extent of American decline. Why therefore has it been completely overlooked, or should I say suppressed, by America’s mainstream media?

more... http://www.forbes.com/sites/eamonnf...-heres-a-thought-experiment/?partner=yahootix

A) I don't trust the American Press.
B) The article has nothing about the latest celebutard, sex, or anything to create easily manufactured outrage.
C) It would cause decreased ROI for the companies selling the chips to have to produce them in the US.
D) If one doesn't trust the American Press, why would one trust a story like this in the American Press?
I love how a big influental American magazine writes about how we should not trust "the American press".

It's kind of like when the by far biggest cable news channel keep referring to "the mainstream media" as if it wasn't them.
The MSM never bites the hand that feeds it. Its guys & dolls fret about advertisers, the FBI & IRS, and appeasing gate-keepers for their next gig. The audience doesn't count, as it doesn't directly translate into jobs or cash, tho viewers and subscribers eventually doom or enrich the industry. And the MSM is dying because its not yet interested in providing what most people want from it.
I love how a big influental American magazine writes about how we should not trust "the American press".

It's kind of like when the by far biggest cable news channel keep referring to "the mainstream media" as if it wasn't them.

Just like Democrats believe their pols are all monks who took vows of poverty and celibacy. There are no poor Democrats in Washington. Without exception they are all multi-millionaires and one-percenters.
I think the mid-eighties was the tipping point...that is when it seemed to become "OK" re-educate peoples minds to the "Correct" point of view.

Walter Cronkite announcing the war was lost while we were turning it around...

Then they took out Nixon.


Now they say the war is won, no matter what and protect the President.

They even protect him in Presidential debates.

They protect his lies...
Well, for starters, I don't trust members of the press who lack a very basic understanding of what a "thought experiment" is. As it happens, I do find lack of coverage for that paper and the wider issue to which it alludes alarming, but not surprising. That said, the Forbes article still blows. I guess its lack of self awareness is sort of amusing though.

*hair flip*
Oh yeah, I constantly forget print media is a thing. Waste of perfectly good trees.