GOP created a nativist monster: How radical wingnuts seized the party

Not one of those posters cares about the color of his skin, it is about the color of his character which is red.


It is the Left which is consumed with the pride of having elected the First Black President and thus every attack on him is an attack which they take personally. Nobody, but nobody on the Left ever got this worked up over Jimmy Carter.

You have got to be kidding! All the N bombs dropped on him by more than one poster when referencing him? His character as opposed to those in Congress that he has to work with in getting things done?

Yes we are proud that he is achieving a milestone, that's natural, people like to see folks go against the odds. What's wrong with that?

And we don't 'worship' him (another right wing tired meme), we just don't think he is the boogeyman you right wing extremists think he is!

As far as your last sentence about people getting worked up, don't even go there, hun. The Right has never gotten worked up over any President in recent history in regards to their visceral hatred of one man.
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We need to deport illegal aliens by the thousands, they are illegal, they do not have a right to be here, and they are a drain on our infrastructure. Ship them home, it can be done.

We would really miss them if they left. I recall about eight or nine years ago when they had a one-day nationwide general strike, just not going to work that day, and it hurt a lot of businesses. It is said that in half the restaurants in LA, if you walked into the kitchen and shouted "La Migra!" there would be nobody left to work the shift.
We would really miss them if they left. I recall about eight or nine years ago when they had a one-day general strike, and it hurt a lot of businesses.

He's too inept and xenophobic to know that there are many established illegal immigrants who have been here for a long time and are contributing very well economically and culturally to the American system.

Especially in the fields of construction, painting, roofing, air conditioning, and insulation. These are vital blue collar jobs.

Shit, an "illegal alien" probably does his landscaping.

They have been ingrained into the American fabric.
FTR, I don't like "illegal alien," because people are not illegal, nor "undocumented immigrant," because that implies the only problem is that they omitted a bit of paperwork. A better term would be "impermissive immigrant," because they're in the country without the required official permission.