If you told me back when I started here that....


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
Fill in the blank.

If you told me that when I started here that I would end up a top five author with millions of views on my stories I'd have said, "Yeah, sure, I'd be happy if a handful of people liked my stories"

If you told me that when I started here, I would have several of my favorite authors here reading, enjoying and commenting on my work, and also emailing me behind the scenes, I'd have said, "Yeah, sure, I'd be happy if a handful of people read my stories."


(Lovecraft, I had to keep in the same form as you, hope you're not offended.)
If you'd told me when I started here that I'd have a decent handful of people following and reading my stories, and giving them such positive reviews, I'd have been happy.

8 months in and that's where I'm at. 😀
Congrats on that accomplishment, LC. Anyone who can work their way to that level in anything, deserves, at a minimum, a tip of my hat.

If you had told me when I found this place, I'd still be posting stuff here 22 years down the road, I'd have given you the 'ol "Yeah, right! What the hell are you drinking?"
Back when I started writing, a bit over 10 years ago, the amount of view/favs weren't publically on stories. I think you can to find the stats on the Hubs, which only had stories listed in alphabetical order. They didn't have stats on new stories back then. As for a Top List, I hadn't seen it.

So when I started posting, I had no frame of reference for how many readers there could be, so there was zero pressure and zero expectation for how many people would read my story. Then when my story was posted, I was suprised by the numbers.

If you told me back when I started here that....​

... I'd still be here five years later with 53 stories, over one million views and nearly 500 followers, I'd have laughed in your virtual face.

I knew it was all locked in my fevered imagination, but I never thought I'd find an outlet for it and I'm very grateful I did.

That so many people seem to enjoy it blows me away. Thanks to all who have read, commented, voted and fave'd.

Apart from the uni bombers of course!

If you told me back when I started here that...​

I'd write a story that would come third in an international fiction writers competition, I'd have broken a rib laughing so hard.

But there you go...
Most of the commentary consists of political bullshit posted by brain dead morons who have been banned from Reddit, I would have asked, “But I thought this was a site devoted to literary erotica?”. How wrong I was.
If you told me back when I started here how rare getting comments was I probably wouldn’t have bothered as thought most people were like me.

“Your experience is not the same as everyone else’s experience”.
If you told me back when I started here how rare getting comments was I probably wouldn’t have bothered as thought most people were like me.

“Your experience is not the same as everyone else’s experience”.
My first story received 3 comments, my second one only two-in their first weeks. One was BDSM, one was fetish, not high traffic categories, but I was also new. Granted, writing in taboo and mature gained a lot more attention, but if I quit initially for lack of response I would have missed out on a lot.

But I, and most here, will agree it is a sad percentage of people who will comment despite getting to suck up free content all day. But don't let it be why you don't keep going
My first story received 3 comments, my second one only two-in their first weeks. One was BDSM, one was fetish, not high traffic categories, but I was also new. Granted, writing in taboo and mature gained a lot more attention, but if I quit initially for lack of response I would have missed out on a lot.

But I, and most here, will agree it is a sad percentage of people who will comment despite getting to suck up free content all day. But don't let it be why you don't keep going
It’ll take more than that to stop me.

Funnily enough I was going to write just one story, but now I’ve done one I know I can do more. Just need to find a new way in.

Hopefully my sex-version of HOT FUZZ might do the trick.
. . . that I'd publish 50 stories here, I'd have been very surprised. But I published my 50th story here today, about 5 1/2 years after publishing my first story. I haven't been nearly as prolific as some authors, but I've been far more prolific than I would have guessed I would have been. When I clicked on the "submit" button for my first story in December 2016, I had never posted or published a single word of creative fiction in my entire adult life. It's been a blast, and it's been far more fulfilling than I would have guessed. I also never would have imagined that I would have so many readers. There's something intoxicating about knowing you can write a story that thousands of people read and enjoy.
If you told me back when I started here that I would end up writing enough parts of a series that could be converted into a published novel I would have been amazed. It wasn’t necessarily the intention but when the main series concluded it seemed like an obvious step. In particular as I stopped submitting here. I am still interested in writing but just not erotica. The tips, advice and techniques learned here were invaluable.

Brutal One.
If you told me back when I started here that I would end up getting death threats from incels and Nazis because I keep excoriating them and committing violence against them in my stories...

I would have totally believed you. XD

About having a strangely large group of people who also like my erotica, well, I might have laughed and said 'Yeah, I wish...'
If you told me that when I started here, that most my friend's would be on Lit, I'd have submitted 30+ poems, and would have written a story I cared about, I'd have laughed in your face. But well shit. I've posted poems packed with shit I wouldn't tell my shrink. Now it doesn't hurt to say it. Not like it did before. I have a number of people I can talk to on a daily basis. And I wrote something with characters, I not only created, but I care about. So, yeah, weird. I could still do without the dick picks and hate speech in my PM, but one thing at a time.
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If you told me that when I started here, that mosy my friend's would be on lit, I'd have submitted 30+ poems, and would have written a story I cared about, I'd have laughed in your face. But well shit. I've posted poems packed with shit I wouldn't tell my shrink. Now it doesn't hurt to say it. Not like it did before. I have a number of people I can talk to on a daily basis. And I wrote something with characters, I not only created, but I care about. So, yeah, weird. I could still do without the dick picks and hate speech in my PM, but one thing at a time.
Why the dick pics?

Lol gets old fast, and evidently most don't know how big 8" is.
Well, if someone had said I'd write a story around data collection for the statistical analysis of the current average Australian penis size, I'd back away slowly and not make eye contact...
If you told me that when I started here that...
I wouild post over 200k words in a year, and not return to finish the last book in the trilogy I was writing when I started here I would have scoffed with derision. The whole point was supposed to be to get some sex out of my system so I could focus on my sci-fi project. Lol, that totally backfired.