If you think arm pits are sexy post here


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2002
I find that arm pits can be sexy. If you think so too post your pics here.







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Isn't there already an armpits thread?

I'm pretty sure I've seen gofuckyourself posting in an armpits thread. Why would you want another?

I mean if you like them sooooo much go talk about it in the Fetish board or something.
Isn't there already an armpits thread?

I'm pretty sure I've seen gofuckyourself posting in an armpits thread. Why would you want another?

I mean if you like them sooooo much go talk about it in the Fetish board or something.

It disappeared!
Isn't there already an armpits thread?

I'm pretty sure I've seen gofuckyourself posting in an armpits thread. Why would you want another?

I mean if you like them sooooo much go talk about it in the Fetish board or something.

Sometimes threads just disappear in the night and need to be born again.

I post here because they're just sexy. A woman's body is a wonderful work of art and the armpit, for lack of a nicer word, is the soft and sensitive confluence of the breast, shoulder, arm and torso. Concave and convex, sinewy and soft, it's a place to be caressed and explored. Not for kink, at least not for me, but a delicious detail to be appreciated.
Go fuck a hairy armpit and pretend it's pussy you perv.

Respectfully, I think you're just wrong here. This isn't about fucking hairy armpits at all. There were no such pictures out of a 1000 or so in the old thread. It's all about the beauty of a womans body. Unless you objectify it in such a manner, it is no more perverted than a toe, finger, shoulder blade, breast, eyes or any other part of a human body. All details of God's beautiful creation.

This thread (or the old one for that matter) is an appreciation, not an objectification. If it were, then I would agree it should be in the Fetish Board, but it's not.