If you smoke...


Literotica Guru
Nov 27, 2002
What kind of cigarettes are they?

Newport 100s here

Boy, I am really grasping at straws for a subject aren't I??? LOL
Winfield Red. I used to smoke about 25 a day but now am down to 3-5 a day.
T.H. Oughts said:
"Pocket Edition".... tabacco...... I roll my own.... :)

I used to roll my own... until I discovered women. Evening TH. Just got your mail. Ring me if you can hon.
A cross between Purple Haze and Northern Lights...

I roll my own too!

Camel Ultra Light 100's

And no, it's not like smoking air, once you are used to them! I smoke more for the physical habit than the tobacco.
Newports but I dont smoke everyday just every now and again.
I am great! Not like Sin the Great, but more like Frosted Flakes G-G-G-G-G-G-g-g-gr-r-r-r-reat...
kiwiwolf said:
I used to roll my own... until I discovered women.

Hardy ha ha....

I got an extention till the end of Feb and hour ago. :D
(don't you hate private messages coded into posts, lol)
SINthysist said:
I am great! Not like Sin the Great, but more like Frosted Flakes G-G-G-G-G-G-g-g-gr-r-r-r-reat...

Good to hear!

I would have to say outfuckinstanding here!

was just going to lurk tonight but got bored!
Somewhat off topic...but:

Any comments from those in relationships where one smokes and the other doesn't?
Rawhide_101 said:
Somewhat off topic...but:

Any comments from those in relationships where one smokes and the other doesn't?

Tried that once and it didn't work...he bitched ALL the time...broke up for other reasons but still got really annoying after about 5 minutes let me tell ya!
My two biggest stinks...

The residual taste in her mouth following a smoke (but before the gum)


The "stink" of the cigarette on clothes following a smoke!
You know, just because you're out of thread ideas doesn't mean you're useless. You can contribute to other threads. ;)

I used to smoke Marlboro exclusively, but now I just get whichever of the Big Three are on sale.

In the bad old days when I puffed it was the delicious toasted taste of Peter Stuyvesten (sp?...it's been a while).