If you knew you sig. other was having a Lit affair...in RL..


going up
Jan 11, 2003
would you hang around?

I know someone who is and when he told me about it I started coming here to check it out.

Well, hell, no wonder, all this skin and pent up supersexed up hard up banter-surely it will eventually lead to wanting the real deal, right?

I dont know what to tell him. His wife of 20 years is steppin out with a Lit Wanker who happens to say all the right things-

yet she swears she loves her husband-

Should he hit the road (they have kids , ouch!!)

Please, your thoughts-
Ya know?

I really don't have an answer for you.

I am not one to advocate infidelity, but then, I am not one to get involved in people's private lives. I guess I usually veiw the situation and let things happen as they may.

With any luck, his wife will tire of the affair and find herself longing for him again, without there ever being anything detrimental to the kids.

I know I sound spineless, but without knowing more, that is the best you will get from me.

And no, I am not trying to figure out who it is. :)
I'm just thinking, you should maybe mind your own business, 'stedda being all up in theirs
they need to talk........seriously............

yea.........whole lot of lit wankers say the right things.........that's how they get to be lit wankers.............but there is a real difference between the words exchanged here and that which occurs in real life................

peachykeen said:
I'm just thinking, you should maybe mind your own business, 'stedda being all up in theirs

Yeah, I know, but he's my absolute best friend and

So is she.


And this cat is a pretty alluring wankmeister from what I can tell.
Rubyfruit said:
Somebody's in trouble.

Yeah, hes thinkin of droppin the bomb on her and taking the kids and going back to where he came from.

And he's all fucked up over it..

I think that if she is just chatting to this guy online and she has the sense not to let it go any further, ...that maybe she is suffering from the same thing that most people are after 20 yrs of marriage.......boredom.
Maybe the husband should look and see what he can do to "spice" up the marriage. Even indulge a fantasy of hers online or something.

The important thing is to not be weak enough to meet someone she met online. Keep fantasy just that fantasy.
BTW...I think you should be a true friend to both of them,.....and stay out of it.
Rick2002 said:
I think that if she is just chatting to this guy online and she has the sense not to let it go any further, ...that maybe she is suffering from the same thing that most people are after 20 yrs of marriage.......boredom.
Maybe the husband should look and see what he can do to "spice" up the marriage. Even indulge a fantasy of hers online or something.

The important thing is to not be weak enough to meet someone she met online. Keep fantasy just that fantasy.

Its beyond that, trust me. Plane tickets-the whole nine yards...
Rick2002 said:
BTW...I think you should be a true friend to both of them,.....and stay out of it.

I am not giving them any advice, just doing some research.

thanks though, really!;)
I think that if she is just chatting to this guy online and she has the sense not to let it go any further, ...that maybe she is suffering from the same thing that most people are after 20 yrs of marriage.......boredom.
Maybe the husband should look and see what he can do to "spice" up the marriage. Even indulge a fantasy of hers online or something.

The important thing is to not be weak enough to meet someone she met online. Keep fantasy just that fantasy.
Either stay out of it or come totally clean. Playing mysterioso is counterproductive and frankly annoying.
This sounds callous

If he knows and she knows, it is there problem to solve.

The best you can do is be supportive if them.
modest mouse said:
Either stay out of it or come totally clean. Playing mysterioso is counterproductive and frankly annoying.

If your annoyed then you dont understand. Not everyone is a super hard ass. This guy is a gem and so is she and I think its a damn shame that people on this board can be so mean...

If you want me to reveal them I wont...

Just asking for some feedback...thanks for any thoughts, even the negative ones, thanks!!

Re: This sounds callous

MissTaken said:
If he knows and she knows, it is there problem to solve.

The best you can do is be supportive if them.

That is nonsense!

Exploit this situation for the amusement of the rest of us. Spill the beans, with details. And we all can watch a relationship implode. I'm making some freakin' popcorn for this one.

Of course this whole issue will end without any resolution cus eagleeye whatever is playing talk, talk, talk... say nothing. Either put the best interest of the family first, or be a gossip. The middle ground is tenuous, at best.

(Miss T, I will have no more of your good advice in this thread. Go to your room without supper, young lady.)
If you want some advice from those who've been though this, there have been some really good threads here in which cheaters, and those who've been cheated upon, talked about these issues - you/she might find them helpful to read.

I'm afraid I don't remember the names of any of the threads so I can't give you a link - I do remember that Ishmael started one a few months ago that was really good, maybe if someone else remembers the name they could look it up for you.
eagleyez said:
Its beyond that, trust me. Plane tickets-the whole nine yards...

Unless I'm misunderstanding who the plane tickets are for. This isn't just a Lit affair. If they're going to get together in person then it's going to turn into a RL affair.

Only advice I can give for you, keep being their friend and try not to get caught in the middle. (next to impossible)..

For them, if their 20 yrs of marriage is worth it, and she still loves him, then they need to sit down and have a long, long, long talk, and look into going to some counsalling. Not to mention..... if she wants her marriage to work. I'd say she needs to ditch the Lit guy, at least until things are figured out one way or another.
Re: Re: This sounds callous

modest mouse said:
That is nonsense!

Exploit this situation for the amusement of the rest of us. Spill the beans, with details. And we all can watch a relationship implode. I'm making some freakin' popcorn for this one.

Of course this whole issue will end without any resolution cus eagleeye whatever is playing talk, talk, talk... say nothing. Either put the best interest of the family first, or be a gossip. The middle ground is tenuous, at best.

(Miss T, I will have no more of your good advice in this thread. Go to your room without supper, young lady.)

thanks, your so nice.

Re: Re: This sounds callous

modest mouse said:

(Miss T, I will have no more of your good advice in this thread. Go to your room without supper, young lady.)

We are in the wrong forum for you to discipline me ;)
eagleyez said:
I know someone who is and when he told me about it I started coming here to check it out.

His wife of 20 years is steppin out with a Lit Wanker who happens to say all the right things-

ok... these two sentences tell me that both of the people you are talking about are on here.

So why would you have to tell either one of them anything...cuz by reading this thread...I would say they already know.
Boy, I sure hope it's someone I don't like so I can gloat over their misfortune on a public forum.

So, this guy's your bestest friend in the universe. I'm sure he's glad he has you here to rub salt in his wounds and make sure that there's absolutely no chance for reconcilliation. I'm sure his kids are *thrilled* that you're here looking out for their best interests by trying to force your friend and his wife to adjust their marital dispute to your timetable. What a pal you are. :rolleyes: