If you have to ask - This Week in Anime

Plot Summary: A company of ghosts has moved into Daten City, taking advantage of human greed. Two angels, Panty and Stocking, are sent from heaven to exterminate them—but in reality they got kicked out for bad behavior.
Panty and Stocking are cute but highly dangerous angels, booted out of Heaven for wrath, sloth, lust, envy, avarice, and gluttony (at least pride wasn't high on their list). Now residing among the sinners of Daten City, the angels try to earn their way back into grace by exorcising evil at the behest of their questionable preacher boss, the Afro-bedecked Garterbelt.
Gee, I write such simple plots about people living in places like Edison, NJ. :unsure: I assume these two angels are actually wearing such garments, otherwise it might not be worth writing about them.