If you had to...

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
if the laws of Lit required a body part in your AV, besides your face, which body part would you choose to post?

I'd probably choose my bare legs.

What would you choose?

PBW "Or my balls"
My legs

Last edited:
*edited b/c i just reread the question.

my tummy or my boobs

(but probably not my boobs)
Good question, PB.

Hmmmm...... I guess I'd say my legs and feet.

Happy Valentine's Day, Mr. Walker. :heart:
Hmmm...all the parts are so good that I couldn't choose just one.

(*grin* someone had to say it!)
Rubyfruit said:
Good question, PB.

Hmmmm...... I guess I'd say my legs and feet.

Happy Valentine's Day, Mr. Walker. :heart:

Happy (belated) Valentines Day, sexy Ruby :kiss:

Mia62 said:
Hmmm...all the parts are so good that I couldn't choose just one.

(*grin* someone had to say it!)

Maybe you could take a pic of your body from the neck down and just show that?

Or take a pic of all the body parts and rotate them on a regular schedule :)

You're looking at it. Now a peek underneath would be something I'd have to think about.
P. B. Walker said:
OMG she's so naughty.

Well, it depends on what I might have in my hands.

I have long, piano fingers and well groomed and polished nails. My hands are my best feature and look absolutely lovely wrapped around

an ice cream cone. :D
MissTaken said:
Well, it depends on what I might have in my hands.

I have long, piano fingers and well groomed and polished nails. My hands are my best feature and look absolutely lovely wrapped around

Or maybe what would be on your hands... I can just imagine them all glistening wet after a vigorous round of masturbation.
I believe it would be my hands. I've always been told how I have pretty hands and nice long fingers and nice nails.. so hands it is