If you had a time machine...

...and could change one thing in your life, what would it be.

Me? I'd go back, find the first guy who gave me anal sex, and shove an unlubricated baseball bat up his arse. I'd like to see how much he cries.
Sorry your first was so thoughtless.
I'd go back and tell myself to have a little more fun before settling down. Feel like I probably missed out on alot of fun experiences by only being with 2 women.
I probably make several trips back.
1. Go back and slap the shit out of my younger self. Explain to that idiot to be a better person and actually try in school.
2. Go either buy up some brand new muscle cars/trucks and find a safe place to store them or grabs some winning lottery numbers.
I would dump my first girlfriend after she fucked my supposed best friend, and never even start dating my second girlfriend. I’d also get on ADHD meds right away!

Every thing I have ever done has lead me to where I am today and made me who I am today. The good times and the bad times.

I wouldn't skip any of my pain or my suffering because all of it made me grow. The moments sucked. The lessons are priceless.

However....if I wasn't going to change anything....there was this one weekend with an ex girlfriend...we had both broken up with other people and got together for the weekend to mutual comfort one another. I'd relive that weekend and have no need to change a single thing.
If I can go back and still remember everything that happened?

I would love to replay my best times on the cricket pitch. And remind myself to rejoice in the small things in life, they are few and far apart.
I'd go back and and tell myself that piece of fish DOES smell bad and it WON'T be ok if you eat it.
If I had just brought $20 with me...just $20. I'd have a priceless keepsake that could be passed down from generation to generation...but, at the time, I had no money on me...
Back in the sixties..with Shirley...love of my life.. :heart: :heart: ..Still is.. 🥰
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