If you could change one thing about your life it would be...........


Really Experienced
Jul 20, 2002
Hey guys,
If you could change one thing about your life what would it be.

Well, I have many but I guess I would change the fact that I am unsure of myself I would like to be more positive more self esteem and outspoken.

How about You?
Self esteem is a good one - I could certainly use more of that.

But actually, my one wish is to be completely and totally Healthy.\
I mean inside and out - no allergies, glasses, cavities, etc. etc. How cool would that be?
I would change my idealism. Or lack of, as the case may be.

There are things about life I wish I was dead wrong about and could believe otherwise in. But experience is a cruel teacher. Ignorance may be bliss, but I wouldn't want to sacrifice intelligence to achieve happiness, so I would rather eliminate all the experiences that caused my present opinions.

Oh, and I would also want to be a lot richer. :)