If the iPad was late, ran Windows 8, it would fail too

Cutting-edge news on CNET: things would be different, if they were different.

Do you read much of their stuff? It's rubbish. You're more likely to find pussy in a prison than helpful/intelligent/interesting writing in a CNET article. I don't even think their reviews are relevant anymore.
Cutting-edge news on CNET: things would be different, if they were different.

Do you read much of their stuff? It's rubbish. You're more likely to find pussy in a prison than helpful/intelligent/interesting writing in a CNET article. I don't even think their reviews are relevant anymore.

thats a somewhat feminist stance.
Only a member of the patriarchy would say that! Check your privilege, knobbit!

You're more likely to find pussy in a prison than helpful/intelligent/interesting writing in a CNET article. I don't even think their reviews are relevant anymore. Sounds a tad hormonal to me.
You're more likely to find pussy in a prison than helpful/intelligent/interesting writing in a CNET article. I don't even think their reviews are relevant anymore. Sounds a tad hormonal to me.

Fine, fine. I don't really find their editorials particularly smart or fresh or insightful. Occasionally, I'll find an article that's relatively interesting, but for the most part, I think they're just too sprawling to be any good, and they read like they're torn between page views and PR flacks. I also haven't really found their reviews as good or as helpful in the past few years. Also also I want to punch them in the dicks because I hate men.