If the Brady Bunch plane crashed in the Andes....

They need Alice to do the cooking for them.
Humm... Good point. I think it would be Jan. Just to shut her the hell up and stop the whining.

"Jan we are going to eat you."

"That's not fair. You should eat Marsha, Marsha, Marsha."
Cindy. She was a snitch. She'd rat out one of the other kids just once and then have a convenient accident that would leave the best meat unharmed.
First eaten? Well, Marcia was obviously the hottest, but Jan would appreciate it more. On the other hand, it's probably a safe assumption that Jan has never been within five feet of a Lady Gillette, so there's a bit of an ick factor there. It's a tough question.
Jesus, no incest jokes? That's probably the most popular category. Sad.

Anyway, Alice would probably be a bit gamey. The only fair way would be sort of a variation on last hired, first fired thing.
Mr. Brady would have volunteered to eat Greg.

I don't think we are talking cannibalism anymore. More like feeding off of liquid protein. Keep draining him till he's dry. Then eat him. It could take a while.