If I had a Full-Time Maid.....


Oct 9, 2001
I'd have freshly laundered and ironed sheets on my bed every night.

What's your fantasy luxury?
A chauffeur. I'd do all the cleaning etc, if someone would just let me get in fifteen minutes of reading on the way to work.
I'd want her to double as a nanny.

Actually I would just take a nanny. I can clean myself. ;)
Having my kiddos with me instead of with her. Maybe a nanny to help out at times.
I'd want to come home to a clean apartment every day, with all of the dishes done and put away.
MorgaineLaFay said:
A huge clawfoot tub. Someone sitting behind me washing my hair.

Yes! A Lady in Waiting. Don't they tend to you? I want one of those. Somebody to wash my hair and then make it beautiful as I sit idly in front of a beautiful, ornately-carved 18th century English vanity, powdering my face and filing my nails.

That's what I want.

Rubyfruit said:
Yes! A Lady in Waiting. Don't they tend to you? I want one of those. Somebody to wash my hair and then make it beautiful as I sit idly in front of a beautiful, ornately-carved 18th century English vanity, powdering my face and filing my nails.

That's what I want.


Now you're talking :D
If I had a full time maid, I would have a sit down dinner every night and then would quietly read while he cleaned the kitchen.

I'd be living coast side somewhere warm and breezy. I'd just have a simple little modern place with sliding glass walls and sunlights in the ceiling.

The cabana boy would be there to oil me down, bring me drinks, fan me with a big palm leaf, give me back massages and other assorted massages.

I would pay him with coconut juice and blow jobs. After awhile, he'd fall madly in love with me and fashion an engagement ring out of seashell.
Bushido71XS said:
Someone else doing the vacuuming.

That's my favorite chore! It's done last, so one gets to enjoy a picked up and dusted room while doing it. Plus, it's so satisfying to watch all of those fruit loops and dog hairs be sucked up by something more powerful than me.

I'll trade you hair washing duties. :)
Rubyfruit said:

I'll trade you hair washing duties. :)

:D The line forms to the left for my patented Bushido Combination Scalp/ Hair wash massage.

Guaranteed to make like Mr Chesterfield and Satisfy!:cool:
Anyone ever read PG Wodehouse?

I could use me a Jeeves.
But then again, who couldn't?