...the word 'work' to 'word' with his permission. PLEASE??? I Fucking begging you!
It is driving me mad.
I will have to leave lit forever if it isn't changed soon.
But not until I make a bunch of threads about what an injustice it is that you disregarded me and didn't care that i was going nuts.
But don't worry, I'll come back as someone else and I'll try and give myself support as my new alter ego, and it will be a much bigger deal than needed if you'd just edit the shit.

Thank you.

It is driving me mad.
I will have to leave lit forever if it isn't changed soon.
But not until I make a bunch of threads about what an injustice it is that you disregarded me and didn't care that i was going nuts.
But don't worry, I'll come back as someone else and I'll try and give myself support as my new alter ego, and it will be a much bigger deal than needed if you'd just edit the shit.
Thank you.