If DCL's thread is going to be an all timer, can Laurel or Manu PLEASE change....


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
...the word 'work' to 'word' with his permission. PLEASE??? I Fucking begging you!

It is driving me mad.
I will have to leave lit forever if it isn't changed soon.
But not until I make a bunch of threads about what an injustice it is that you disregarded me and didn't care that i was going nuts.

But don't worry, I'll come back as someone else and I'll try and give myself support as my new alter ego, and it will be a much bigger deal than needed if you'd just edit the shit.


Thank you.
Dixon's one of the resident grammarians. It's a hoot to see a long-time thread associated with his name and a typo in the title.
Dixon Carter Lee

I don't give a fuck if it is ironic. It was funny for like three days and now I am going mad from it and it is always on page one, which is fine, but i can't ignore seeing it. I feel the anxiety over it, like it were my own typo that I couldn't fix, but with me, I'd not worry, cause I will never have one of those all timers, thank fucking god.

Did I mention my neuroses?
So should we call you MsStarfisherious? ;) Don't forget to include TONS of emoticons when you resurface, okay??
has anyone noticed how far apart the letter D and K are on the keyboard :p

I'll use rainbow ones or something.

But no, No, call me.........

You know....

I didn’t notice it until you pointed it out. I have this thing where my brain'll just arrange the word into whatever it wants.

I know it makes no sense.

P.S. I ran this thing through spell check so it wouldn't upset you.
sexy-girl said:
has anyone noticed how far apart the letter D and K are on the keyboard :p

That occured to me right off the bat.


He gets more brillllllllllliant everyday.

Brilllllllllliant like the shine a Brillllllllllllo pad leaves on your pots and pans.

Re: You know....

J.B. said:

P.S. I ran this thing through spell check so it wouldn't upset you.

No no no. I don't have issue with spelling mistakes. Hell that would retarded of me, see title under screen name, but I am just seeing this one thing all the time when I am here and it is grating me oddly.
Rambling Rose said:
It'll all word out, Fishie. These things usually do.


DCL is so demanding. Why can't I have my fornicating neighbors describe the person above me?;)
Starfish said:

That occured to me right off the bat.


He gets more brillllllllllliant everyday.

Brilllllllllliant like the shine a Brillllllllllllo pad leaves on your pots and pans.


i dont think it was intentional ... i do typos like that ... when im thinking of something and typing sometimes i type the thing im thinking about instead of the word i mean to type :)

maybe he was thinking about work as he typed it ive seen DCL do typo's like that before

i admit though he is brilliant :)
Re: Re: You know....

Starfish said:
No no no. I don't have issue with spelling mistakes. Hell that would retarded of me, see title under screen name, but I am just seeing this one thing all the time when I am here and it is grating me oddly.

I know. But now I know what I can bug you with. Though you are right. Now that I know of it, it sort of... jumps out at me.
No, no they can't. It would make my deep and thoughtful post, "Hey, DCL, work on your spelling fucker!" so meaningless.
CoolidgEffect said:
No, no they can't. It would make my deep and thoughtful post, "Hey, DCL, work on your spelling fucker!" so meaningless.

Damn come to think of it, I totally blew it. Should have been:
Hey, DCL, word on your spelling fucker!
I know that thread. Now that you mention that you didn't intentionally misspell that, It annoys me too.

Maybe we should burn them both and call it a day.

Rambling Rose said:
Here, you can use these matches for the flame. Indie dropped them.

I love it when people drop things for you to pick up.

Queue the fan...
CoolidgEffect said:

Damn come to think of it, I totally blew it. Should have been:
Hey, DCL, word on your spelling fucker!

A spelling Fucker, damn I need one of those, where do I get one?
Roll-One said:

A spelling Fucker, damn I need one of those, where do I get one?

I thought MicroSoft came out with one. Seems like with most of their software, you are screwed.