idiotic december 21 crap


use to give a shit
Aug 16, 2008
been hearing a lot of the "out there" crowd saying they want to go to south america to wait out the december 21 2012 thing.
what? IF it happens, what makes south america so fucking special that it wouldn't effect it?
i don't think a damn thing will happen. there will be the same amount of idiocy, greed, and selfishness as always the next day.
quit looking for some prophecy to change the world and DO something. people's been smokin too much of what they've been growing.
I think people are just using it as another reason to take a vacation. "But boss I have to go, the world is going to end tomorrow."
Well as predicted, every super caldera will erupt on the 21st of Dec.

No place on earth is safe from these eruptions, that's why I'm vacationing on the moon in Dec. I'll be watching the glowing, molten mass that was the earth from my villa on the sea of tranquility.
The Mayan calender does not include leap year but the Roman calender does. Over 2000 years the leap days added up. We have already passed the Mayan deadline
been hearing a lot of the "out there" crowd saying they want to go to south america to wait out the december 21 2012 thing.
what? IF it happens, what makes south america so fucking special that it wouldn't effect it?
i don't think a damn thing will happen. there will be the same amount of idiocy, greed, and selfishness as always the next day.
quit looking for some prophecy to change the world and DO something. people's been smokin too much of what they've been growing.

What exactly is supposed to happen?
The Mayan calender does not include leap year but the Roman calender does. Over 2000 years the leap days added up. We have already passed the Mayan deadline

What if December 21st is adjusted for the lack of leap days in the Mayan calendar?
let's see what happens on that day, let's wish for the best. lol
What if December 21st is adjusted for the lack of leap days in the Mayan calendar?

Well, I guess we all gonna die then. Unless the Mayans didn't feel the need to make a calender 3000 years in advance.
You don't have to worry about Dec 21..... By the time that date arrives for you, it will already be the next day here :eek:
Always a good question. When the exact date the world ends which time zone does it happen in?

My guess is it would have been predicted for South American time.
Which means unless they specified an actual time, and not just the date, by the time it rolls past midnight there it will already be halfway through my day here.