I woke up in the middle of the night...



with my pussy throbbing like it does when you really need a hard dick or a fast tongue. I was moving my body like I was meeting his thrust and suddlenly I realized that I was awake and not dreaming. I can not remember a dream that brought this about or anything. So I can't decide if I should play with my throbbing pussy or wake up my husband and let him give me just what I want? What do you think?

Leave the man alone.

Ah, hell, he sleeps enough. Time to get to work!
wanttoplayx said:
with my pussy throbbing like it does when you really need a hard dick or a fast tongue. I was moving my body like I was meeting his thrust and suddlenly I realized that I was awake and not dreaming. I can not remember a dream that brought this about or anything. So I can't decide if I should play with my throbbing pussy or wake up my husband and let him give me just what I want? What do you think?

I think you should do the former first, and purposely wake your hubby up by doing it.
I say stop what you're doing and run into your study. Turn on your computer and wait for your dial up to kick in. Then type in www.literotica.com and wait for the page to load. Once loaded click on the Bulletin Boards and post a thread.


Wait some more.

People will respond with answers not designed in the least to help you out.


Kiss your husband goodbye as he leaves for work.

Remain seated in front of your computer...squirming and staining your seat.


Realize that opportunity has once again passed you by because you are stupid.

Shut down computer and go back to bed.

Masturbate alone. Again.
I bet it would be good...

If I woke him up playing with myself and then when I feel him getting hard I can put his hot dick in my mouth as I continue to play with my throbbing pussy...
Rambling Rose said:
I say stop what you're doing and run into your study. Turn on your computer and wait for your dial up to kick in. Then type in www.literotica.com and wait for the page to load. Once loaded click on the Bulletin Boards and post a thread.


Wait some more.

People will respond with answers not designed in the least to help you out.


Kiss your husband goodbye as he leaves for work.

Remain seated in front of your computer...squirming and staining your seat.


Realize that opportunity has once again passed you by because you are stupid.

Shut down computer and go back to bed.

Masturbate alone. Again.

Stinker ;)
Rambling Rose said:
I say stop what you're doing and run into your study. Turn on your computer and wait for your dial up to kick in. Then type in www.literotica.com and wait for the page to load. Once loaded click on the Bulletin Boards and post a thread.


Wait some more.

People will respond with answers not designed in the least to help you out.


Kiss your husband goodbye as he leaves for work.

Remain seated in front of your computer...squirming and staining your seat.


Realize that opportunity has once again passed you by because you are stupid.

Shut down computer and go back to bed.

Masturbate alone. Again.

Rose... I like a girl who cuts through the crap but, you can really emasculate a thread!
Re: I never miss an opportunity

wanttoplayx said:
to get me some or suck on his dick.

I'm sorry, brainiac. I thought you were confused about what to do! I know if I were lying in bed with a wet pussy and dry humping the air with my partner lying inches away, the first thing I would do would be to run to my computer for advice on where to take it from there...

So I can't decide if I should play with my throbbing pussy or wake up my husband and let him give me just what I want?
Haha Rose, that is just too funny. So mean to the silly newbie, you are. :p
I don't disagree however, wanttoplayx should have jumped on her hubby the minute she woke up.
Re: Rambling Rose

wanttoplayx said:
You must not be getting any....

It's true. She so rarely consults internet bulletin boards about whether she should masturbate when she's feeling hot, or roll over and wake up whoever may be next to her - so, no, she isn't getting any encouraging responses from stranger regarding such quandaries. Some people have all the fun.
Looking for creative thoughts

I sure would not get them from you guys...
Velius, I thought Marxist was going to change that wallpaper for you. A cock like that deserves a better backdrop.
You got it! It is past tense and I was looking for fun thoughts from others and they didn't want to play....
Re: Looking for creative thoughts

wanttoplayx said:
I sure would not get them from you guys...

Ooooh, you wanted creative thoughts! That's a horse of a different colour!

a) Tie your husband to the bed and fuck a banana inches from his sleeping face. When he wakes up, serve up the banana in his breakfast cereal. You'll have to spoon feed him.

b) Sneak into the kitchen for a glass of ice water. Remove a cube and stick it into your hot throbbing cunt. Climb on top of hubby and wake him up to a chilly surprise! Brrrrr!

c) Grab your hairbrush off of the bedside table. Carefully push it into your husbands ass until he starts to groan. When he wakes and realizes what is happening, push the brush handle all the way in before you gobble him into your hungry little mouth. Be sure to dry hump his leg. Why should he have all the fun?

If you need more creative suggestions be sure to ask. I am all about some creativity!