I was out doing yard work this morning


We are in for it now.
Dec 10, 2000
when i heard what sounded like firecrackers someone had thrown in the back of a truck that was getting closer as it was being drove down the street. Add to it the sound of metal being dragged over other metal and tore in half.

The trouble is it was coming from the sky at about an 10:30 position going from northeast to southwest .

I saw one fuckedup corkscrew of a vapor trail.

I remember thinking damn they sure are flying that shuttle low and if they don't do a correction they will land that sucker in cuba.

My heart goes out to the family of those on the space shuttle.:(
You just witnessed history...

Live and in-person. Any debris found in your area of the country?
Yes, I guess i did. Not the kind i would like to either.

The closest debris would be about twenty miles north of me.
fgarvb1 said:
when i heard what sounded like firecrackers someone had thrown in the back of a truck that was getting closer as it was being drove down the street. Add to it the sound of metal being dragged over other metal and tore in half.

The trouble is it was coming from the sky at about an 10:30 position going from northeast to southwest .

I saw one fuckedup corkscrew of a vapor trail.

I remember thinking damn they sure are flying that shuttle low and if they don't do a correction they will land that sucker in cuba.

My heart goes out to the family of those on the space shuttle.:(

My feelings exactly.
fgarvb1 said:
when i heard what sounded like firecrackers someone had thrown in the back of a truck that was getting closer as it was being drove down the street. Add to it the sound of metal being dragged over other metal and tore in half.

The trouble is it was coming from the sky at about an 10:30 position going from northeast to southwest .

I saw one fuckedup corkscrew of a vapor trail.

I remember thinking damn they sure are flying that shuttle low and if they don't do a correction they will land that sucker in cuba.

My heart goes out to the family of those on the space shuttle.:(

Seeing it must magnify the emotional impact to a great degree.
The shuttle blow-up of 1986 was worse to me because i was totaly unprepared for it.

I hate to say it but in these crazy times i expect bad shit to happen almost daily.

I have drove up to car crashes with body parts all over the road, watched a man burn alive while helpless to help him and cleaned up after a friend blew his head off. I held my fathers hand while he died of a stroke, i was there when my grandmother died as well as one of my uncles.

Death sucks and i have looked upon it far more than enough.

Things like the shuttle over head can't help but make for a not so good day.:(