I want to thank everyone for their support


Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
I cannot get over the amount of support through posts and PMs, that I have received since my post yesterday. In a way, I feel like my post stabbed KRC in the back but then I remember that KRC never really existed. She was a fake.

But anyway, thank you all again so very much for the love I have gotten. Even people who don't really like me that well, I can tell, feel bad for me.

Thank you again and I am taking applications for a new BFF. lol

You're just a good soul, sweetie. With a huge heart. And great breasts. ;)

If you ever need anyone to talk to, you know how to find me. :rose:
I cannot get over the amount of support through posts and PMs, that I have received since my post yesterday. In a way, I feel like my post stabbed KRC in the back but then I remember that KRC never really existed. She was a fake.

But anyway, thank you all again so very much for the love I have gotten. Even people who don't really like me that well, I can tell, feel bad for me.

Thank you again and I am taking applications for a new BFF. lol


Reported for posting personal information.

And not tits.
I was happy to see you get lots of support, you deserve it. I hope happiness comes your way fast and furious. :heart:
Good lord, man, don't you get tired of seeing my tatas???

i'm pretty sure i've never seen them, but even so i still support you :)

nothing gets me more upset than seeing nice people get shit on.
I was happy to see you get lots of support, you deserve it. I hope happiness comes your way fast and furious. :heart:

I am very happy. I have a lot going for me, Reci, including very good friends on here. *hug*
We will always stand and fight for your honor, my busty, blue chariot-driving Queen.


You deserve all the support in the world. That is a horrible thing to happen to anyone, especially someone like you. :heart:
i'm pretty sure i've never seen them, but even so i still support you :)

nothing gets me more upset than seeing nice people get shit on.

I really don't feel like I got shit on, it's weird. It is just something that happened. I feel like I lost a friend, someone died or something. Then I have to remind myself that she never existed. sigh

The whole thing is just bizarre.

and thank you for the support, pete. You're a good guy!!!!!
You deserve all the support in the world. That is a horrible thing to happen to anyone, especially someone like you. :heart:

Thank you so much. I'm really ok, at least I think I'm ok. THe whole thing was just bizarre. I do feel used but I'll rebound alright. :)
Thank you so much. I'm really ok, at least I think I'm ok. THe whole thing was just bizarre. I do feel used but I'll rebound alright. :)

You will be fine. Must feel a bit surreal I imagine and it will take time for things to return to normal - but they will.

(In the real likelihood that you are feeling a little vulnerable, I really am a woman and have met and spoken to people on here - so feel free to chat to me anytime sweetie) :rose:
KRC-isms by Killswitch:

It figures thats your name. Every girl I know named Lisa is a slut.

Pink, you have always been sweet and kind. I'm really proud of how you are handling this. I don't think you would have been as strong and emotionally clear a few years ago.

*mas hugs*