I want to lick the special sauce off of your beef-log.


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
Tonight, at the drive-thru at Taco Bell, the boys tried to make us say dirty things. Pretending the speaker thingie didn't work and making us repeat ourselves.

They asked us if we wanted it hard or soft.

Little fuckers.
my man-rocket is ready to launch........

what a bunch of kidders............the youth of today............

I tried to do that at McD's but I just kept saying things like "Would you like an assfucking with that combo?"
That's funny, Supergirlie. Did you giggle? I think I'd like to hear you giggle. :)
superlittlegirl said:
Tonight, at the drive-thru at Taco Bell, the boys tried to make us say dirty things. Pretending the speaker thingie didn't work and making us repeat ourselves.

They asked us if we wanted it hard or soft.

Little fuckers.

You should have said something like you weren't interested.
I giggled. I laughed hysterically. I almost snorted. Because, the plot thickens. My very-cute-best-friend and I were discussing special sauce and beef products, totally cracking ourselves up, when we looked over to see that we were being eavesdropped on by some worker-bees outside the store. We were embarrassed at being caught cutting up.

Of course, the laughter redoubled.

Giggling is good. My face hurts I've been giggling so much in the past couple of days. Fun stuff.

Rubyfruit said:
That's funny, Supergirlie. Did you giggle? I think I'd like to hear you giggle. :)
When someone tells me their sauce is special I don't eat it.

Tell me the special ingrediants I tell em.
Sillyman said:
I tried to do that at McD's but I just kept saying things like "Would you like an assfucking with that combo?"

is that part of the new dollar menu?