I Want to Kiss Nora Full on the Lips

Hmmmm funny since you posted that pic of your piercing again, you have shown up in the hottest places as I slept...........:D :p
nonononono! I wanna kiss YOU full on the lips! Beyond reason! Beyond all measure! I wanna dance a happy jig with you, then call a contractor to come sweep my chimney. No wait! I'll have them sweep my chimney while you're en route! Then dancing, candles and bathtime!

In case anyone had any doubt left in their minds, Rubyfruit is the bestest, most wonderful person humanity has ever, ever known!

And she's made me unbearably happy tonight! lol!

However, I still think we should write a French-farce. :D

I LOVE RUBY!! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

*giggles yet more*
Minksters, I'd smooch you but I dunno if I could find your lips amongst all that...uh. Pulchritude.
Minkster, right now I would just about kiss EVERYONE full on the smacker. :D
I just knew this was a good thread even though I've only got the one pair of lips.
Lukky, Lukky, Lukky you smoochable babe, you! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: