I want my birthday to be on a lunar eclipse! *pout*


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
I mean how cool would that be? My bestest friend in the whole world gets one this year and I missed out on it by 6 days! 6 days!
I know I'm being a brat, but that's what I want.
May 15th.

Man if I was going to be late already why couldn't I have waited anther 6 day to be born. She better share that's all I'm saying.
pfffft. Too early for me by 13 days.

That sucks.

**pouts too**

Make her share, it's only right :)
I think there's always one happening somewhere--maybe it's in Indonesia or Chile or Bayonne: someplace exotic.
You're right JB, that would be cool. Mine's always on Easter, or Good Friday, or one of the holy days, so I never get to go out and really rip it up....

And no, there's not *always* one happening Blaze. Only 4 this year. Check it out
J.B. said:
not only that, but to have it land on your day.

*pout* ok this is upsetting me now.
So maybe we can get a really big lamp, and hold a basketball infront of it while you bend over, and we'll eclipse your moon?

Just a thought.