I Thought I'd Drop In To Remind The Left Here How Full Of Crap They Were..

They’re sent to sanctuary cities and states and now listen to them whine. Hotels in NYC are being trashed, illegals filling our hospitals, schools, sucking up taxpayer resources that would normally be used for our own citizens.
Which government officials are trafficking illegal immigrants? There are federal laws against that. Lock them up!
Rightguide these libs won't believe any truth you tell them according to them there never wrong so all I do is sit back and laugh at the idiots
"There never wrong"? Well, "there" is certainly wrong in your post...
"There never wrong"? Well, "there" is certainly wrong in your post...

Ol’ roland fits the RWCJ mold perfectly.

One might almost suspect that roland is an alt of another RWCJ “member”.

👉 “roland” 🤣

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Thanks to Elon Musk and his release of the Twitter Files we now know the government across its agency spectrum was busy censoring the free speech of Americans and paying big tech to act as a propaganda tool to misinform the American people and interfere with our national elections. Thanks to these releases we now know the Democrat Russia narrative against Trump was entirely fabricated. We know the FBI and many other government agencies were illegally spying on Americans through their social media accounts and reaping information that under our Constitution requires a subpoena or a warrant. They interfered in at least three national election cycles.
It's not censorship when it is deemed to be hate speech and the Left is all Deemers for Dreamers.
roland 101= renard ruse.

Same idiot, different name.

Sheesh, sometimes I hate this fucking forum. Can't you fuckers just pick a screen name and stick with it?
roland 101= renard ruse.

Same idiot, different name.

Sheesh, sometimes I hate this fucking forum. Can't you fuckers just pick a screen name and stick with it?
It's hard for them, cause their ALt's get banned frequently for breaking the TOS.
It's not censorship when it is deemed to be hate speech and the Left is all Deemers for Dreamers.
The solution to the left is ridicule and laughter. Call them out and marginalize them at every opportunity. They are at odds with our Constitutionally protected freedom.
The solution to the left is ridicule and laughter.
Not the solution, wrongway, the result of rightwing rhetoric....*chuckles*
Call them out and marginalize them at every opportunity.
Please keep trying, the above is what makes you idiots so fucking entertaining....
They are at odds with our Constitutionally protected freedom.
You wouldn't know what the Constitution meant even if you read it......
There is no such thing as the left except in Rightguides' nightmares.

He's the same old idiot he ever was.
Now, there's a contradiction. There is no Left, but there is one and in this I, the omniscient Ogg will minimize their contributions to their party's direction. In that you would be wrong. Maybe if you actually lived here...
The left and right are just bogeymen for their opponents. They exist to provoke hatred, that's all.
Now, there's a contradiction. There is no Left, but there is one and in this I, the omniscient Ogg will minimize their contributions to their party's direction. In that you would be wrong. Maybe if you actually lived here...
Yep, there are people from all over the World who always know what is best for America as if we cared what they thought.
Of course. If you say so Ogg. You're not open to the idea that they drag the party with them (since the electoral difference has been very narrow here recently between the two parties) because without their full support, their party would not win elections, which is why they say and DO things to appease them and keep them voting.
Yep, there are people from all over the World who always know what is best for America as if we cared what they thought.
Oh, I really care what they think about me, especially those in the Russo-Sino (not to mention Islamic) orb...

They hate me, my ideas and my freedom every bit as much as Ogg who probably believes that I am one of those on the right that he makes reference to. He would Chamberlain the world into peace and harmony if only presented with the opportunity: First up, witch hunt against the nonexistent right.
Oh, I really care what they think about me, especially those in the Russo-Sino (not to mention Islamic) orb...

They hate me, my ideas and my freedom every bit as much as Ogg who probably believes that I am one of those on the right that he makes reference to. He would Chamberlain the world into peace and harmony if only presented with the opportunity: First up, witch hunt against the nonexistent right.
More bullshit from you.

I don't hate America. I detest you and RightGuide for preaching hatred, and constantly providing material for others to hate America. You two hate America anmd spare no effort to make it seem bad.
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