I Think....

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i think having a cold really fucking sucks especially when your supposed to hang out with a cute guy tomorrow and dont want to get him sick. fuckmylife
I think I have been nice, I have been patient, and I have been understanding up to this point. Maybe it is time for me to move on.
I think that there are people in this world who have the gift of making you come away from time with them, feeling lifted, buoyed, happy.

I think I am one very lucky woman, to know so many of them!
I think this week is going to be difficult...

...you're in my thoughts too much this week. I knew it would be this way. I'm trying to keep the lonelies at bay, but they attack when I'm weakest.

I think there should be a thread called "what made you want to hurl today?"

then again, I think the PG could be a warzone if people quoted posts and named names. lol.
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