I think the Time is Ripe for an Updated Kinsey or Hite type of Report


Ideas Ideas Ideas
Aug 18, 2022
As the old saying goes, If I had a dollar for every time I've seen statements, headings, questions, etc, that say:
- I'm not attracted to men, but ____?
- does it mean I'm gay if _____?
- I fantasize all the time about ______, ______, & ______, but I don't think I can tell my wife.

It would be geared towards wives worldwide. The gist would be something like, Since the Dawn of the Internet Age, it's a good chance your husband has become attracted to an assortment of ideas that arouse him, for reasons even he might not understand. Don't worry, he likely still adores you. If you can't participate in some of these weird things, at least try to be cool with his meanderings. Let him know if you don't quite understand, then at least assure him you see it as no different from going out to play a round of golf or an afternoon at the fishing hole, etc, etc.

Maybe something like this is out there, certainly this info is easily available, as in scattered throughout forums like this. But I mean one collected comprehensive report. But how the hell would one even begin this kind of project?
I think it's obvious. Far too many people only think in terms of gay and straight, and not bisexual. Therefore, if they mentally decide that they are either gay or straight, and are then attracted to the "wrong" gender, it causes a crisis in their minds. There are loads of bisexuals in the closet, most of whom are assumed straight by the wider public. This is particularly true for males.

I knew that I was a bisexual girl from a young age. It's important to be honest with yourself on this stuff.
I think it's obvious. Far too many people only think in terms of gay and straight, and not bisexual. Therefore, if they mentally decide that they are either gay or straight, and are then attracted to the "wrong" gender, it causes a crisis in their minds. There are loads of bisexuals in the closet, most of whom are assumed straight by the wider public. This is particularly true for males.

I knew that I was a bisexual girl from a young age. It's important to be honest with yourself on this stuff.
Males who have an otherwise great relationship with their wives.
Males who married x number of years ago, when the internet was still a novelty, and then in much more recent years become aware of some unbelievably beautiful trans girls. Or the phenomenal rise of sissies. Submissive, super submissive, sissies. Expending energies into becoming or appearing as feminine as possible; eager, ever so eager to please a man or men. The otherwise happily married man recieves signals that he could be a man with a sissy. Enter the strategy chambers, drum fingers on the table... hm, we have a situation here. Hmmm.
a sexologist named John Money wrote some books that take the gender and sexuality questions well beyond the older studies. Perhaps an intermediate reference?
I think it's obvious. Far too many people only think in terms of gay and straight, and not bisexual. Therefore, if they mentally decide that they are either gay or straight, and are then attracted to the "wrong" gender, it causes a crisis in their minds. There are loads of bisexuals in the closet, most of whom are assumed straight by the wider public. This is particularly true for males.

I knew that I was a bisexual girl from a young age. It's important to be honest with yourself on this stuff.
I've always been honest with myself. I have considered myself to be bi ever since I knew there was such a thing. It's everyone else I'm not honest with.
I always knew I was attracted to other boys. But I also liked girls, so I was completely lost about my sexuality. I knew what gay was, but I had no idea what bisexuality was. A few years later when I started having sex with another male, I was still unsure what bisexuality was. Even though I had a girlfriend, and was making steady progress toward having sex with her, I was convinced I was gay after the first time my best friend and I masturbated together.

Fortunately for me, my gay experiences pretty much paralleled my straight sexual experiences. I fingered my girlfriend for the first time the day after my friend and I jacked each other off for the first time. My girlfriend and I had oral sex within a week of my best friend and I blowing each other, and I fucked her for the first time the night after my male lover and I actually managed to have anal sex. I was pretty successful with female sexual partners, but I always went back to my male lover because I loved sex with him as much as with girls. Because I loved cock so much, I still thought I was gay but had sex with girls to fit in. Gay males were deep in the closet in the little town in North Carolina that I grew up in, although I was having sex with a number of males along with my best friend..

When I finally discovered what bisexuality was, I knew that was me. I figured I was right in the middle of the Kinsey Scale back then.

Before I got married, I had sex with as many males and females as possible. I also discovered transgendered females during that time and developed a lifelong attraction to feminine women with cocks. I went through periods where I preferred cocks only, but those periods didn't last for long. I was monogamous for almost 20 years while I was married, and although I craved cock for all of that time, I never acted on my cravings. After my divorce I resumed fucking everyone I could. As I got older, I found I have more of a preference for transgendered females and other males, but I still love women as well. Since moving to Australia in 2015, I have been living an openly bi lifestyle and it has been so liberating! I would probably be a good subject for someone studying sexuality.
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I believe the Internet has opened up a whole new world of sexuality for people. Some good, some bad. I have to believe that people, especially young people today are more open about their sexuality. Researchers would get very different responses to questions than the Kinseys or Hite did back in the day.
I think most people & society has become WAY to hung up on trying to "identifying" themselves. I consider myself straight, I am only attracted to female bodies. I never ever wanted to kiss a guy or hold a guy close, hug or get emotional with any guys. I never have looked at any guys, never even look at them wondering sexually nor have I ever been "attracted" to any guy physically beyond the penis & the mutual sex act. It's sex & that is it. It feels good. My entire life I have lived as a straight guy because I am honest with myself. Some may laugh at that thought or explanation when I have been in a very few m/m sex situations. But I can't explain it any other way. I am not attracted to guys. I like the sex act & that is it when it comes to other males. Another helping hand feels better than your own hand. A BJ feels better than your own hand. It's like a better way to masturbate is the way I looked at it. it's better than just using my own hand alone. And it's easier with other guys because there is never any strings or emotions attached also. But I am 100% attracted to females. Their sexy legs, their body, their beautiful faces, etc. I prefer a female my entire life. When that is not attainable anymore, or a guy gets older & doesn't want drama, courting, spending money or emotions anymore I can see & understand them going back to the M/M sex for the convenience factor. Imho it doesn't mean they are "gay" or "bi" either just because they got off with another male. I don't gaf about lame society labels importance. It's lame and unnecessary. I don't need to "pick" what I am I am straight. If others disagree IDGAF. They/society can pick whatever labels they want for a guy like me IDGAF because I don't need (never have needed) any stupid "identity" to "find myself" sexually, mentally or otherwise.
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