I think my doctor wants to make me into a druggie


Sep 13, 2001
I'm currently on Biaxin and Allegra for a cold and sinus infection I can't get rid of. I hate the way these meds are making me feel- nauseous, with a metallic taste in my mouth. What's worse is that I feel like my heart is racing. He told me that if I feel "jumpy"- which, I'm assuming, is this heart-racing feeling I have now- to take Xanax for it.

I'm not sure that that's such a good idea, but I don't know how the hell else I'll be able to sleep tonight.
lilminx said:
I'm currently on Biaxin and Allegra for a cold and sinus infection I can't get rid of. I hate the way these meds are making me feel- nauseous, with a metallic taste in my mouth. What's worse is that I feel like my heart is racing. He told me that if I feel "jumpy"- which, I'm assuming, is this heart-racing feeling I have now- to take Xanax for it.

I'm not sure that that's such a good idea, but I don't know how the hell else I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Perhaps some strenuous exercise would tire you out enough to sleep.
no no no the biaxin is causing the nausea and metallic taste the other is doing the heart reat increase.....take tha biaxin with food...if this doesnt help another antibiotic like Cipro may be better tolerated.

plain pseudafed 30mg my be better tolearted for the sniffs. the normal dose is 60 mg.....:)
And the large red pills are the ones you take if you should die before you wake.
Didn't we have the xanax talk before, Minxie?

If your doctor is prescribing xanax for you to take on a regular basis, he is setting you up for addiction. It is highly addictive and very difficult to come off of.

That being said, I have a prescription for it, but I'm very careful to only take it occassionally, never regularly. My doctor wouldn't even refill it for me if I took it even on a once a day basis.

p.s. I've been taking allegra for years with no ill side effects.
Well, unless you're allergic to the anti-biotic, be sure to complete the course. Otherwise you might naturally sellect for drug resistant germs, & next time will be worse.

I'm not disputing what Christophe said, though.
Rubyfruit said:
Didn't we have the xanax talk before, Minxie?

If your doctor is prescribing xanax for you to take on a regular basis, he is setting you up for addiction. It is highly addictive and very difficult to come off of.

That being said, I have a prescription for it, but I'm very careful to only take it occassionally, never regularly. My doctor wouldn't even refill it for me if I took it even on a once a day basis.

very true ruby! these drugs are to be taken as needed...only major psychotics like me should take them on a regular basis....
Re: Re: I think my doctor wants to make me into a druggie

islandman said:

Perhaps some strenuous exercise would tire you out enough to sleep.

I'm too sore from the strenuous exercise I had lastnight and this morning.

Christophe, I had a cold for a month. Nothing over the counter was helping me. I took the Biaxin about 45 minutes ago, and ate around 2 hours ago, so my stomach wasn't empty.

Ruby- I only take Xanax when I feel I need it. I've had the prescription for almost 2 months now and haven't even taken 10 pills.
Just the anti-biotic & some Nyquil would treat the infection, the congestion, headache , & make you sleep.
christophe said:

very true ruby! these drugs are to be taken as needed...only major psychotics like me should take them on a regular basis....

Is that why you're "chilled?" ;-)

Good to see you and your jeans, Christophe.
Re: Re: Re: I think my doctor wants to make me into a druggie

lilminx said:

I'm too sore from the strenuous exercise I had lastnight and this morning.

I'm really bad at one-upmanship, it would appear.
well minxie some people just cant tolerate biaxin...regardless if they eat or not! another antibiotic like cipro is generally better tolerated from a nausea standpoint.

you prolly got the crud from one of those kidders at school. the metallic taste will go away a few days after you stop the biaxin. call your doc tommorow and tell them to get you something else.

hope you feel better !
Thanks for the advice, Christophe. I'd rather not switch drugs right now because then I think I'd have to start all over again with it. I hate taking antibiotics.

Islandman, you're not even going to try to one-up him?