I think I am ready now....


That's Professor to You!
Dec 30, 2001
Ok....I am ready to try and enter the world of dating again....LoL..don't ask me why I feel the need to share this stunning realization with all of you in Lit-Land...

*climbs back into the saddle* ;)
Silverluna said:
Ok....I am ready to try and enter the world of dating again....LoL..don't ask me why I feel the need to share this stunning realization with all of you in Lit-Land...

*climbs back into the saddle* ;)

Excellent now go out there and find the first guy you see and have your way with him..

*psst.. where should I stand to be the first guy you see*
in the shadows....actually I am a lurker...lol...dating for me is harder than english for a chinese whore...lol:rolleyes:
Silverluna said:
in the shadows....actually I am a lurker...lol...dating for me is harder than english for a chinese whore...lol:rolleyes:

I know what you mean, those whores are hard to get a price from!

Ok I need to go get ready for my social event of the week...:)

I'll keep everyone posted...
