I Stepped on Laurel's Toes


Just an old dog
Dec 12, 2004
Recently I was posting a response to visual stimulus used while writing. I mentioned that I preferred a still photo rather than what passes for porn on multiple sites and mentioned a website by name. When I posted the comment the site disappeared and was replaced with ******** but when I went back to edit the remark the name of the site was back.

OOPS! Sorry Laurel!

Have you done anything like that steps on the toes of our beloved webmistress? (When I say that I can picture her in a black corset, mask, elbow high gloves, spike heels, and carrying a mouse o' nine tails...)
Considering how remorseful you feel about this silly thing, you would probably be almost suicidal with guilt if you ranted and criticized the website as much as I did. šŸ˜„

As you can see,
I am remorse free!