I saw Harry Potter's new flick

hehe when i read the topic, the first thing that came to mind was "you poor bastard"

glad you enjoyed it though.. shows how much people's tastes can differ
Yeah, the theatre I went to was half empty too. QuickDuck, why'd you get rid of Count Duckula? He kicked ass.
Vay said:
QuickDuck, why'd you get rid of Count Duckula? He kicked ass.

Duckula will be back :) Glad I am not the only geek who recognised and remembered him though :)
Oh yes, but off course. I was gonna ask where you found the pic at, but I kept forgetting.
I have yet to see the first Harry Potter and odds are I will not be seeing this new movie.
Somehow those movies hold no interest for me.
Maybe I will change my mind sometime and catch the first one on dvd or something.
REad the books instead
The first couple are a bit boring, but it's worth it to get to the Goblet of Fire. That book is a masterpiece
Vay said:
Oh yes, but off course. I was gonna ask where you found the pic at, but I kept forgetting.
highjacking the thread for a second (sorry TWB).

I simply typed "Count Duckula" into google and went looking at what it spat out at me.

there isn;t alot out there, but I found something usable
Movie was good. Better than the first. Cut a little too abruptly in a few places - left me with the feeling that some scenes were more like scetches. I think it relies more on a good knowledge of the book more than the 1st did. Good casting. And Dobby deserves a best supporting actor nomination.

Equal rights for virtual actors!


I wanna see it again.
I enjoyed it, but thought it was a little long. I was wondering how it would play for someone who hadn't read the books first.
I didn't read the book, but I enjoyed the movie.

Even the snotty little cuntbag behind the popcorn counter didn't ruin it for me.
funny we had to stand in line for a freakin hour. Then race a bunch of 10 year old girls so they wouldn't take all the seats...