I recently had it pointed out to me part 2


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
No, this is not a spin off thread of the raging gun control thread that has been going on, but I thought the title was fitting.

I recently told a friend about lit. He's just starting to write (and he writes erotica, mostly along the romance and erotic encounters line) he's not ready to start posting work publicly yet, but I told him to get an id set up and check the site out.

He's liked the story side of things just fine, but then came here to the forums, which is where I had something pointed out to me that I kind of already knew, but when you hear someone else point it out it means more.

What he pointed out is that first and foremost this an erotic site and its full of hot picture threads and the playground is generally sexual in nature and there's the fetish/bdsm forums etc...

But here, he expected a haven to learn to write, but more importantly escapism. He came here to get away from real life bs and assholes.

Almost all that is here is real life BS and assholes. Yes there are writing threads(but not as many as there were) and some fun things (Hobbit review thread etc...)

But mostly there are more and more political threads and current event threads and the arguing thereof. Not to mention the recent influx of "big boobie, big cock" threads started by 12 year olds

I can't argue the point. A 200 post nasty as hell argument over gun control on a sex site. Even worse there is an entire forum for these debates in the GB, but most people here know they will get eaten alive there so stay here

This is fun why? There is 24/7 news coverage of the CT tragedy, its all over the net, the radio, the TV people are discussing it wherever they go,

and we need to do it here?

and this is on the heel of the several women's rights threads and Obama thread etc...

And I am not claiming innocence, I get sucked in just like the rest of us do and even when I say I won't.

Because like a train wreck you just can;t help looking at these threads then someone makes a comment that pisses you off, (or maybe on you agree with) and you have to respond then you're sucked in.''and the arguments get more and more personal and its the same people

and again, I will take blame in that, but I have never denied being a shit stirrer or holding back on anything I want to say. But a lot of my stuff is on a sarcastic and sometimes even tongue in cheek vein.

But there are others here who live to just be nasty and just as the case with scouries, the site will do nothing about it.

There is no mod here and there needs to be.

SRPilot71 is the most arrogant argumentative person here, yet will never be reprimanded.

Go to the original "I recently had it pointed out to me" thread.

Read through it. Pilot is arguing and sniping at at least a half a dozen people including those who never fight with anyone. Hell, he still argues with me and he supposedly is ignoring me.

But he couldn't argue if the threads weren't here or everyone just rolled their eyes and said whatever. It will never happen

Nor will all the real life crap ever stop here.

This is supposed to be a fun escape. I think everyone came here with that in mind. I know I did, next thing you know I argue more here than I do in real life.

and its worse than real life because at least there you're face to face with the person you're arguing with. Meaning there are certain limits on what people will say, but here its anonymous and a free for all for people who would never speak this way to someone's face.

Its been a long time since I have clicked onto these threads without getting aggravated and I wonder if I'm alone, I don't think I am.

I'm tired of coming here and if I do express an opinion(which many times I preface with "in my opinion" meaning I speak for one person, me) I now have to defend it to a pack of jackals who had a bad day.

This site is awesome from the writing standpoint, but there are a lot of things that go on here that are unfair, or for lack of a better term at least inconsistent.

yet when someone mentions that they are pretty much run out of cyber town and by some that are allegedly "respected" here. My friend is someone who made the mistake of questioning a site issue. He said its the last time he'll post here and has decided to post on SOL which is too bad because he would have done better here.

So hearing all this is a wake up call for me (including on how I behave as well) and I've decided that for awhile I no longer need to be aggravated or explain everything from my stance on women's rights to rape to gun control to politics to people who I'm never going to meet and shouldn't give two shits about.

This is not a "I'm leaving forever" thread, just a simple wake up call to the fact its as miserable around here more often than not than it is in real life, so why add an extra dose of BS to the day?

This thread may get flamed or someone might even agree to what I say, regardless I feel its worth pointing out as it was pointed out to me by a newbie I was hoping would enjoy it here.

In the meantime I hope all of you as well as your families have a safe and fun holiday season, and as I said in my author's note in my Winter contest entry, if you are fortunate to have extra this year please help out a local family or shelter or charity.

A lot of people are having it rough this year and that's especially tough on children(and the parents who can't provide for them" so if its within your means, put a smile on a kids face.

Having said that, I hope to catch you all in 2013

Unless of course the world ends Friday, then...,oh well, catch you on the other side.

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So... just ignore the threads you don't like. It may be difficult but it's not impossible. It's like TV; if you don't like it, you can turn it off.

But Happy New Year to you.
LOVEY Welcome to Real Life. What goes on at LIT goes on everyplace I ever been. Jesus H. Christ got his ass lynched, so what hope is there for mere mortals?

I estimate less than 1% of LIT A/H posters give a fat rats ass about writing. Theyre not here to be better writers, theyre here for strokes.
It *is* possible to have a well-regulated message board, where posters follow rules of decorum and threads get moved to the appropriate forum if they are mis-placed the first time. But.... it takes a lot of work on the part of the moderators. I belong to a few board like that. They are orderly, and polite, and (alas) a little bit boring.

I certainly don't see a lot of moderating going on around here. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing; it gives us what we have: a chaotic, unpredictable, but fairly fun and lively community.
change the channel

if you don't like something, stay away from it. That's my suggestion. I love meeting authors and don't get bogged down with stuff i don't want. I work on my stories, my craft and forget the rest. I suggest you try it.
Is the same Lovecraft68 who posted a rant on a political thread the other day against the Obama administration without realizing that the thread was about something that happened in the Bush administration? The same Lovecraft68 who, along with Asylumseeker, was the only one I ever have known to post political diatribes (Obama hate mail after the election) to the Editorial forum here? The same Lovecraft68 who dumps on the stories of others in forum posts? The same Lovecraft68 who runs years-long hate campaigns against other posters, including hosting an entire hate thread against Scouries? The same Lovecraft68 who personally attacks another poster here in his signature line in each and every one of his posts?

This Lovecraft68? :D
I didn't think the other thread was that bad

That gun control thread seemed like a spirited discussion more than a hate fest to me.

You and pilot are like oil and water and you guys were butting heads a bit but the others seemed to be making their points and counter points.

I go to the GB a good bit and yeah it is a different sort of confrontation that takes place there. But even there you have a few that are assholes and the rest are okay.

I am somewhat of a fellow shit stirrer, I like to see a little fire in the discussions, a little feeling. I think of this place as being like a clubhouse where people that I know might be hanging out, I stop by when I can and see what they are talking about. It is only reasonable to assume that they would be talking about current events, and that they might have different opinions on what that current event might be.

It is all only as important as you let it be. Not worth anger. I would miss you if you weren't here when I drop in. Hell I like to see most of you guys, and hear what is going on with you.
I have to admit I'm a little bit disappointed with this forum too. I'm a regular on a quite a few forums and I tend to enjoy a bit of 'spirited debate' too. But on this site, any thread that is even remotely controversial quickly descents into hate-filled personal attacks pretty quickly. I know there are a lot of issues where people are never going to agree per se, but it just seems so poisonous here compared with most places I have visited. I have been personally attacked in threads before just for daring to suggest that an issue isn't entirely black and white and that both sides have valid arguments.

Sure, I can always avoid those kinds of threads. I mostly do now. But this forum has now got bad enough that I sometimes open it up in the morning and don't see a single thread that I even want to open, let alone participate in. I'm all for keeping moderation to a bare minimum, but I think this forum has now got to the point where it needs a bit. I'm not saying we should start censoring or banning people, but just filtering all the political threads (including stuff like women's rights) into a separate forum would make a massive difference. The AH forum could be kept for topics actually about writing.
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I'll use this thread to announce that I'm officially deciding to leave the forums.


Most seem to not respect another person's opinion, resulting in flame wars around here.
I'm sick and tired of getting flamed because I've got a different opinion. :(
Plus I never came here to discuss politics or religion, just my writing, but it seems there plenty of the former two and not much of the latter.
sorry you feel that way

I'll use this thread to announce that I'm officially deciding to leave the forums.


Most seem to not respect another person's opinion, resulting in flame wars around here.
I'm sick and tired of getting flamed because I've got a different opinion. :(
Plus I never came here to discuss politics or religion, just my writing, but it seems there plenty of the former two and not much of the latter.

But I am sure that those who have questionable stories with possibly under age sex, will breathe a sigh of relief.

Is there another informant out there ready to take your place?
But I am sure that those who have questionable stories with possibly under age sex, will breathe a sigh of relief.

Is there another informant out there ready to take your place?
Who says I won't continue to read and report when necessary?

This just proves you are an idiot and I won't miss reading posts by you.:D

Just stay away from sites I run or help moderate, cause your attitude sucks and won't be welcome.;)