I Quit Smoking Yesterday.


Mar 16, 2001
Yeah, I know, it's great...blah blah blah.

Well, it also kind of sucks.

I'm sure I'm just in that phase one, first seventy-two hours, initial meltdown, but still.

Is there anyone else out there, sick as it may sound, willing to admit that there's something about smoking that you really really really like?

That's me.

I know all the reasons I'm quitting...duh, it's why I'm quitting.

But there's something about certain things...my cigarette things, like getting up and making coffee in the morning, turning on the computer to check email, play a little solitaire...whatever it was to start my day silently and peacefully.

Well, dammit, cigarettes, nasty as they are, were a part of that.

I will now mourn the loss of these treasured moments I had.


Now give me positive feedback and encouragement and tell me I'm great.

Thanks in advance.
I feel your pain..

Here I am.. over 5 months without one.. and sitting at the computer I still crave one.

Good Luck. :)
My mother quit like fifteen years ago. She says it's still like missing and old friend.
I'm quitting some day this week. And I totally get what you mean about missing them. They are SUCH a big part of my day-to-day activities. Wanna be quitting buddies? ;)
Cigarettes suck. Your morning thing is just as effective without them. It's just the nicotine addiction that makes them seem calming.
cheesysusie said:
I'm quitting some day this week. And I totally get what you mean about missing them. They are SUCH a big part of my day-to-day activities. Wanna be quitting buddies? ;)

Yes, let's!

Kotori--that's just it. They're like a friend.

I need to redesign the way I do things and think, in a lot of ways.

The physical part goes away; is being curbed by the Nicotrol inhaler (I recommend it!), but it's the habit and emotional craving I'm worried about.

Eh, we'll see.
Good for you! I quit and then picked the habit back up again. I'm a little thick in the head. When you need some encouragement just come back to your thread here and I'll kick ya in the ass!
i wish you the best of luck....me, i still can't seem to quit...i keep saying "one of these days":rolleyes:
Wiggles said:
It might help to allow yourself other addictions.

I now buy the best hand cream I can find and use it often. I chew a lot of teeth whitening gum, I have new long lasting lip gloss that never would've stayed before. I can use the time to file or put clear polish on my nails when I would've wasted it before...

Even though I really hated every part of my addiction when I quit I still feel pangs now and then. Especially if I start talking about back when I used to do this or that with cig's. I think it's just the habit of it all though, it will get better.

All very good ideas, thanks Wiggles.

The good part is that I love yummy smells and I detest the smell of smoke.

Now, when I light my scented candles, it's actually to enjoy the scent and not just cover up the smoke, y'know?
alexandraaah said:
Is there anyone else out there, sick as it may sound, willing to admit that there's something about smoking that you really really really like?

I only smoked for a brief time myself, but it seems like that all through the years of my misspent youth every girl I spent a night with smoked. I always loved that morning after smokey girl smell - probably because I associated it with sex, lol, but it was still something I liked.
Well done.

Your lungs will ache for a few days, but that will clear and you'll start to feel super-duper.

keep it up! :D
Starblayde said:
Well done.

Your lungs will ache for a few days, but that will clear and you'll start to feel super-duper.

keep it up! :D

Yeah, this is what I'm waiting for...the REWARD! I know the obvious long-term ones, but right now, smoking is seeming better than not.

Here's to waking up feeling great tomorrow.

Lasher-thanks for the story, and yes, that's it...it's the almost visceral connection, like you would have with any scent or song...sad, really, but true.
My fondest wish throughout my adult life has been that they'd develop a cigarette that was completely harmless.

I love smoking. I love my coffee and cigarette in the morning, or lighting up on a long drive, a glass of wine and a cigarette at the end of the day while soaking in a bubble bath. I'll miss it. A lot.

The only reason I want to quit is for my health. I'd like to be around to shop for prom dresses with my girls, or cheer my son on in a hockey game, to watch them graduate high school, college, have babies of their own.

Alex, I'm right behind you darling, and we both will do it.
Here is to not having your mouth taste like an ashtray when people kiss you.
Rubyfruit said:
My fondest wish throughout my adult life has been that they'd develop a cigarette that was completely harmless.

I love smoking. I love my coffee and cigarette in the morning, or lighting up on a long drive, a glass of wine and a cigarette at the end of the day while soaking in a bubble bath. I'll miss it. A lot.

The only reason I want to quit is for my health. I'd like to be around to shop for prom dresses with my girls, or cheer my son on in a hockey game, to watch them graduate high school, college, have babies of their own.

Alex, I'm right behind you darling, and we both will do it.

Nail, watch your head cause Ruby's about to hit it.

Yeah, I've apparently lost my humor. That's just it, Rubes, thank you.

Proofread---thanks, I think you're super-neato yourself.
Well, yay, thanks for the words, folks....support was something I sort of dreaded (probably because it meant I was committing to quitting) but it's actually really helpful.

I'm going to save my lungs but waste my time and watch Joe Millionaire.

I'm rootin' for Zora.