I need to learn how to do something very important!


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2002
I need to learn how to form my bread dough so my bread loaves don't come out all funky looking. I just took 4 loaves out of the oven, and only one actually looks like real bread. One looks mostly good, until you see the other end. The other 2...well, we won't be using them for sandwiches.

BlueDaisy said:
I need to learn how to form my bread dough so my bread loaves don't come out all funky looking. I just took 4 loaves out of the oven, and only one actually looks like real bread. One looks mostly good, until you see the other end. The other 2...well, we won't be using them for sandwiches.

Try Baking 911 -- they have some helpful things...here is the link for the bread.
after the second rising, roll out the dough to about an inch thick and fold it over and tuck in the ends. that should do it
Brekke said:
after the second rising, roll out the dough to about an inch thick and fold it over and tuck in the ends. that should do it

Really? I've never heard of that before. Do you do that?

The way I currently do it is:

the dough is mixed and kneaded in my very heavy duty mixer (because of my carpal tunnel problem), then I take it out when it seems to be kneaded enough and knead it a bit on the counter to make sure. Then I let it rise until about doubled, then punch it down, divide into halves (unless I've made a 4-loaf batch, like last night, then I divide into fourths) and just kind of mold it into a pan length and width, rounded shape. Then it rises until about 1 to 1.5 inches over the top of the pan, then baked. Some loaves come out beautiful, others....eh, not so beautiful!
BlueDaisy said:
AA, that is a WONDERFUL site! Thank you!!!
Glad you like that site...it taught me a few tricks that I needed to know and I have it bookmarked. Have a great day!

AA you are a very deep man.....deep.....amazing....but deep very deep
Re: mannnnnnnnnnnnn.....

spiderlady said:
AA you are a very deep man.....deep.....amazing....but deep very deep
I have many varied interests, but you are absolutely correct--BS does run deep, hence my deep brown eyes! LOL