I need some computer help


The Gentleman Dom
Feb 27, 2002
I know this is off topic but I know no where else to go.

A little over a week ago I did a scan disc and defrag

All my email from April 1st to that date disappeared

My email also seems to want to keep crashing now

I can no longer use the sort feature

If I go to one of the folders where I have email sorted and come back to my inbox nothing is in my inbox and I can not send or recieve untill I totally restart computer

I tried to install Peagsus (sp) and it would send but not recieve.

I am running ME with Outlook Express
lovetoread said:
Save your folders and addresses (If you dont know how to do it from the application,I found this to use: http://www.outlook-express-backup.com/ - I have not used it,but it looks easy.) and do a re install of internet explorer.

Do you know which IE you have?

I believe it is 5.0 or 5.5

Could I just upgrade to 6. and not have to do the saving?
Yes you can,it should be just fine,but I am always skeptical of microsoft.

I have multiple backups of my stuff,whenever I do an upgrade.

Considering my computer died last week,this was a good thing. ;)
lovetoread said:
Yes you can,it should be just fine,but I am always skeptical of microsoft.

I have multiple backups of my stuff,whenever I do an upgrade.

Considering my computer died last week,this was a good thing. ;)

I have been terrible about backups and it has cost me
Before I had to wipe the hard drive on this one I had back ups to CDs done ... I can not open the CDs now

I had a freind that did back ups to his computer every night to tape .. that was before the world got virus happy

Now I find that the update page of micro soft no longer had Explorer 6

Any ideas of what is causing my probelm and what other options I may have?

Richard I would first suggest that you save anything on CD that you want to keep....

Then you can do F8.... hit it several times at the blue screen when you have first turned on your computer.... this will take you to safe mode.

You can then choose the registry and reset the registry to a date prior to when you first experienced your problem. This should reset your computer to that date.

If your emails are stored on the hard drive they should still be there.

I asked my son about this... computer wizard that he is and this is what he suggested....

If you have someone local that will come and look at it and help you with it... that is always better... maybe one of the people from your group....
I have some small suggestions

1. Do you have lots of email in OE ?

One thing that can make OE act weird is if you store tons of emails. OE compresses everything and that is a complex procedure.

I would recommend that you go through your inboxes and start cleaning out all emails that you dont need, specially emails with attatchments, like pics and other stuff. If you need these attatchements save them manually somewhere else on your harddisc.

After this....dont forget to empty deleted items.

This could help.

2. second thing is to update everything that is avaliable on Micorsoft update page

3. You can get IE explorer 6.0 here

IE explorer 6.0

4. If this dont help, you will need a reinstall of ME.

best thing is also a reformat.

Richard49 said:
I am running ME with Outlook Express

Richard, W-ME has a 'system restore' feature that will let you return your computer to an earlier date. Have you tried that yet?