I need some answers.....ATTN DOG OWNERS!!!


Wise Woman
Oct 4, 1999
Our lovely adopted stray, whom we have named Trixie,graced us yesterday with 5 beautiful puppies. (and this is how we guess she 'strayed' to our house...we live in the boonies).She had them out in her doggie house, which we had equipped with blankie and food dishes for her. We knew the pups were coming, we didnt know when.

Now, the dilema. It's supposed to get in the 30's tonite, and in Florida, thats cold. So, we say move the pups and mama inside. BUT! She needs a bath. Also, Im afraid if we move them, she wont care for them. So, how do I get around this?

Any suggestions?
im not an expert at all but i don't think it matters she still will care for them infact she won't have a choice because usually pups bombard the mother and insist food and warmth :)

but like i said don't go 100% on my opinion i could be wrong

i only know because a pub dog nearby had puppys by our old dog a few years ago
Is it a big dog? Any idea of some of the breeds she's mixed with?

Depending on the dog, 30's shouldn't be a problem and she'll keep her pups warm.

I'd be reluctant to bathe her just yet, though, and I doubt she'll go away from her pups and with you for the bath.

Good luck.
Move them in.

Definately move them in the house, momma will still take care of them.

I'd check about giving her a bath so soon after delivering them tho! Are you planning on keeping her, if so, then I'd contact a vet and ask about bathing her.

Most dogs don't reject their pups, just make sure you have lots of paper down and let momma and babies have some quiet and undisturbed time. She will need to eat more and actually, I believe a puppy food for her is the best while she's lactating, I know that puppy chow is given to nursing moms, so the babies get the vitamins needed.

Don't handle the pups anymore than necessary for the next couple of weeks either, until their eyes start to open.
the mother will not reject her pups after being gone this short amount of time. However the pups will be spooked badly. Take a wind up alarm clock and place it in a box with them. It will simulate to some degree the mom's heartbeat. While they will still whine, it should not be as bad.
well here is my thoughts, first of all if you live in florida chances are wheat straw is not available, but if they have a warm dog house they should be ok, the tempeture wont be cold long either, you can bed them a little with straw if available if not shredded newspaper will give them something to keep warm with, as long as they have some kind of bedding i woulnt worry alot about them!!
She is a small dog. Looks kinda terrier, brown/black. Shes beautiful and we plan on keeping her, and maybe one of the pups. Of course, we do plan to make it so we dont have anymore pups running around. :)
Move them all inside. She should continue to care for them even after the move. As a stray in Florida it is not likely she's grown a decent layer of down to protect herself and her puppies from the cold. We just haven't had enough cold weather this year. I know my Golden's fur is still quite thin, although I suspect I'm a bit further south as our temps are only supposed to get into the 40's.
My dog, that was also a stray, came to me the same way. And had 10 pups!

Kept her and found homes for the 9 survivors. I still say that if they are only a day or so old, 30 degrees may be too cold for the babies, tho.

If you're going to bathe her, just try to avoid her vaginal area for now, in case of infection or irritation.

Good luck and post pictures!
Move Them All In The House!

It's Not Too Cold, But If Ya Wanna Have A Beast That Thinks Yer The Bees Knees, Then Move Her On Up In The World:D
You'll want to handle the pups often. That gets them used to human contact and makes them far easier to give away.
FWIW..... I would take the mommy dog to the vet and have her checked to make sure there are no more puppies in her. Sometimes one can get stuck in the birth canal.
If you'll worry less, then by all means move her inside. However, she'll be fine either way as long as she has plenty of food and water, and lots of warm bedding. You should be aware that once she's inside, she'll probably want to stay there.

If you do decide to move her in, don't bath her with flea shampoo or use any sort of flea dip or spray unless you talk to a vet first. It's possible that any that would get sprayed on, or not completely rinsed off her teats could poison the puppies.

If you need any pointers with the pups feel free to pm me. I have a friend who breeds bouviers, and she also works in a vet's office. She's a real whiz at troubleshooting.

Good luck!
huskie said:
FWIW..... I would take the mommy dog to the vet and have her checked to make sure there are no more puppies in her. Sometimes one can get stuck in the birth canal.

While it would be a good idea to have her vet-checked. You'd know if that had happened, she'd be one sick looking and acting momma by now.