I need help


Creepers Gotta Creep
Jan 24, 2002
No, seriously.

I need to come up with a game that kids from 5 to 11 can all play together, and in a small area, along the lines of musical chairs.

Any suggestions?
Buy a ton of LEGOs, put them into baskets around the room, and have a "Build the Coolest Spaceship" contest. They'll work for hours.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Buy a ton of LEGOs, put them into baskets around the room, and have a "Build the Coolest Spaceship" contest. They'll work for hours.

That WOULD be cool, but it's for (ahem) a church function, so it's gotta be like a 10-minute type of game, and on a limited budget.

Duck duck goose
pin the tail on the Raw
pinata party
get a roll of paper (big paper) or a some newsprint from the local art store, a lot of crayons and some watercolors. And a tarp to put this on so they color on your carpet.

You might consider purchasing a few board games broken up into age groups. 11 year olds generally don't like to play with 5 year olds.
Hot potatoe is usually alot of fun. The older ones might not enjoy it as much though. Wrap up some presents and when the music stops, whoever is holding the gift gets to keep it. Keep doing that til all the kids have pressies. *shrugs*
Have veryone sit in a circle. One person sits in the middle and asks everyone questions. The people in the circle answer how they would think the person on the left would answer. Person in the middle tries to figure what is going on. With the right group it can be hilarious. My church group used to do this one from time to time.
You can't go wrong with Simon Says, especially if you have a prize (or several prizes).

Ala Musical Chairs is the Dance Freeze game. You play music, everyone has to dance, or walk around, and when the music stops you have to freeze. Anyone who doesn't freeze fast enough, and is caught moving, is out. No chairs to fuck with, and you eliminate several people at a time instead of just one.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
You can't go wrong with Simon Says, especially if you have a prize (or several prizes).

Actually, that idea has a lot of potential. That way, if I were Simon, I could try to make it fair by deliberately trying to trick the older kids.
Simon Says is always a winner, or red light green light, mother may I.

I have neicefews in that exact age range and games like that always keep them occupied. You can try scharades with two hats so that the older kids get more difficult things to act out too.
Fill up a bunch of balloons with knicknacks and change. Throw in a bunch more empty balloons and let the kids run around popping the balloons.
RawHumor said:
That WOULD be cool, but it's for (ahem) a church function, so it's gotta be like a 10-minute type of game, and on a limited budget.
Name that Herecy? :D
How many kids?

Depending on the number - we play one at Scouts - where the girls are all together, and you call out a low number like 4 - they have to get into groups of 4 - if it's uneven then the ones left out are out - then you do it again and again, til there's only two left and you call out 1. confusing I know, but it works!
4laterer said:
leeping Lions? where you dance and growl and when the music stops you have to freeze in the position youre in

a person wlks aound, trying to distract the frozen kids by making them laugh (not allowed to touch, so no noncing or tickling allowed) and whosoever even blinks is out

I still don't know what a nonce is or what noncing is, but anyway.

Musical chairs might be getting played already. I'm just trying to think of something else.

Leaping Lions sounds like the U.S. version of Red Light, Green Light, but without the taunting.
RawHumor said:
No, seriously.

I need to come up with a game that kids from 5 to 11 can all play together, and in a small area, along the lines of musical chairs.

Any suggestions?

A yankie gift swap.
I still like my idea. It is educational, a contest, and well someone will go away in tears.

Toss in a beer and call it a party!
brokenbrainwave said:
I still like my idea. It is educational, a contest, and well someone will go away in tears.

Toss in a beer and call it a party!

Do you think hiring a stripper would be too much?
RawHumor said:
Do you think hiring a stripper would be too much?
for name that Herecy? Probably yes, you can give the kids extra credit for telling which Bible passages she will be breaking.

On another note the turtle is right, that was fuckin hillarious dcl. about damn time...
brokenbrainwave said:
for name that Herecy? Probably yes, you can give the kids extra credit for telling which Bible passages she will be breaking.

On another note the turtle is right, that was fuckin hillarious dcl. about damn time...

LOL ........ it's more fun being southern Baptis. aint it?
Twenty is a lot to handle at one time. You need to pair them up with a younger kid with an older one. Now your dealing with ten and the older kids can help you out and feel important. Take a deck of cards tell them you want to test their magic ability. Have all the teams form a circle with you in the center. Lay out ten cards facd down in a circle, within the circle. Nine of which are red, 1 of which is black. One kid from each team goes up and takes a card without looking at it and retuns it face down in front of their team. When all cards have been chosen. You yell out "Abracadabra Flip". All the red cards get to stay in the "Magic Circle". The black card is out. You get the picture.