I need a spanking!

Oh you bad boy! You had Bluesboy all excited for naught.

(who btw just asked (honest injun) "Honey, you have this big ass vibrator plugged in under the bed. What's it for???" -- He needs another outlet for something guitar related...)

I thought you said you needed a spanking, Sandia!

I would much rather be the spankee rather than the spanker!

someplace said:
Oh you bad boy! You had Bluesboy all excited for naught.

(who btw just asked (honest injun) "Honey, you have this big ass vibrator plugged in under the bed. What's it for???" -- He needs another outlet for something guitar related...)

Someplace, that boy needs to get his priorities in order! He canNOT replace the highly useful and highly "ain't goin' nowhere" vibrator with another guitar toy.

Get the boy a powerstrip and send him on his merry way. *grin*
*root beer spew* It was plugged into a power strip under my bed!

I swear to God I didn't know how to answer him! Emmm, well.....
someplace said:
*root beer spew* It was plugged into a power strip under my bed!

I swear to God I didn't know how to answer him! Emmm, well.....

Wow, I thought I was naive.. maybe you should just show him? ;) What else do you have plugged in under there??
someplace said:
*root beer spew* It was plugged into a power strip under my bed!

I swear to God I didn't know how to answer him! Emmm, well.....

Darling, I didn't think I needed to teach you this one. Here, you play him, I'll play you, ok? Watch:

BluesSomeplace: Honey, you have this big ass vibrator plugged in under the bed. What's it for??? Can I move it? I need another outlet for my amps!

NoraSomeplace: No.

You got it now? :D
Nora said:
Darling, I didn't think I needed to teach you this one. Here, you play him, I'll play you, ok? Watch:

You got it now? :D

Laughing my ass off here! Thank you very much dear. Take a bow. *applause, applause*

Let me go check...yep. The vibrator is still plugged in where it's supposed to be.
*beams with pride*

You're my bestest student, Someplace! You get a gold star!!

*covering my face with my hands in embarrassment*

You crazy nut!


oh Sandia----- inquiring minds want to know what kinds of things do you fix???
someplace said:
oh Sandia----- inquiring minds want to know what kinds of things do you fix???

Parking tickets.

And my last murder rap, but don't tell him I told, k?
Ummmmmmm *rifling through my drawer of tickets* I wonder if he has any pull in Harris County?
I doubt it. But he'd take your bribe anyway. ;)
Bad Sandia!

I don't know what you've done wrong...but I'm sure you've done something to deserve a little butt slap.


They've always done *something* wrong. Prolly left the toilet seat up, at least.

*huggles roseysugahlumps*