I may have found some stolen stories


They stole my story " My She Male Queen Nefertiti" ... Fuckers!

Kidding....but thanks for the heads up dude....it's a pretty common practice unfortunately and several Bulletin Board members/ lit authors have been ripped off. Ohter sites are involved as well.
I didn't know who to e-mail that is why I started the thread
well I am going to go
I will look around and if I find any more stories I will post where I find them

:D :p Night all :p :D
This happens on a fairly regualar basis. Usally if the offending site's admenestrator is made aware of the problem, it is resolved pretty quickly. It is a fairly simple task to look and see where it was posted first. In some cases, the authors elected to leave them on the new site under the correct name. secondly, since Lit does not require that stories be exclusively here, many lit authors have thier stories on more than one site. I know that I do.
i agree that what stories were taken is not right.

i would imagine the authors have some sort of copyright ownership or something as would Lit. who is basically our publisher.

i am sure Laurel and Manu have had to handle this type of thing before and that they will get to the bottom of it soon.

good heads-up work.

but why go anywhere else to read erotica?????