I love you

Purrde Flower

I see you!
Jul 18, 2002
These words are just something I fear very much. I've heard them so often once upon a time I didn't realize that at the time.. The words were twisted and mangled.. torn into pieces of what love should really be.

I used to say I love you back to this person because I thought this was all life had to give me because I was such an awful person. Or so I thought anyway. I thought I made his life hell and deserved every piece of abuse I ever got.

The one day it was like stepping out of a dream. I realized I was not supposed to be stepped on at every occasion something went wrong. All the wrongs weren't always my fault. and I left it all behind.

Now I'm scared of these words. I think I always will be. Of course I feel this way now. Who kows what the future will bring. I have seen the very low of low. I just hope I will recognize it if it ever comes to knock on my heart again.
I used to be afraid of love...I know your fear.

But real love is nothing to be afraid of. Loving someone who will really love you back is a wondeful thing.
It's sometimes hard to believe those words after the kind of experience you've had. Have faith. Someday the right person will make you believe them and you'll know it's right. {{HUGS}}
I think the term may have many meanings attached to it. Depends on the situation, as always.

I could say I love you and mean nothing more than I admire the person that you are.
Have Faith?

Easy words to say, just like "I love you..."

normally, I'm the infinite pessimist. The glass is always half-empty, but love is something you can't live without. If you're afraid of the words, then when someone important to you try to say them, let them know. They can say it in other ways...
And once you realize they feel it, well, hearing it might become more and more bearable. Don't let the past destroy your future. The fact that you've been through something (whatever it may have been, because I think this is the first I've read your posts) so terrible and are still trying shows that you have the strength to get past this.
Good luck...
bknight2602 said:
I think the term may have many meanings attached to it. Depends on the situation, as always.

I could say I love you and mean nothing more than I admire the person that you are.

Well I love Kitte.. She is the sister and friend I never had. Mia too :) I love a lot of people.. But I'm talking about the forever lets get married love. Not the love you have for family.
Purrde Flower said:
Well I love Kitte.. She is the sister and friend I never had. Mia too :) I love a lot of people.. But I'm talking about the forever lets get married love. Not the love you have for family.

Nope she doesnt love me in the forever way...just the I want to lick your feet way:D
The trouble is, the "love you for ever - let's get married" kind changes. Sometimes going in opposite directions. If it changes but stays on parallel tracks it can be gteat.

P.S. hope your headache went - PF - and what was bothering you turned out OK.
guilty pleasure said:
P.S. hope your headache went - PF - and what was bothering you turned out OK.

I went to bed as soon as my kids were asleep. I woke up pain free but I was very drained. I am feeling tons better now thanks!
Purrde Flower said:
I went to bed as soon as my kids were asleep. I woke up pain free but I was very drained. I am feeling tons better now thanks!

:) :rose: