"I love the smell of napalm in the morning . . ."


Literotica Guru
Mar 20, 2002
"It smells like . . . Victory!"

Three guesses what I just finished watching.

And the first two don't count.
The Wizard of Oz. I love the part when they wipe out the flying monkeys. Was that before or after they went surfing?
modest mouse said:
original or redux?

Original. I grabbed it from the video store on the spur of the moment. Haven't seen it since I was a teenager, although I saw the documentary Hearts of Darkness a couple of years ago.

It was better than I remembered it.
Phoenyx said:
get redux.. 45 more minutes of blooddhed in it.

I would have but my local video store didn't have it. At least now when I do get it, I can compare the two.
Interesting that Martin Sheen and Charlie Sheen have both appeared in quintissential Vietnam movies. And I really can't say who's performance was better or which film was superior.

What I can say is that Emilio Estevez has gotten the short end of the stick in his career. :rolleyes: