i like to assfuck white womens


Apr 19, 2002
since they go "oh jerome, fill me up with that big black cock". White women love mah enormous black cock. Sheeeit, i loves me some white womens.
SmoothBlackGuy said:
since they go "oh jerome, fill me up with that big black cock". White women love mah enormous black cock. Sheeeit, i loves me some white womens.

Someone needs to put a bullet in your ignorant head.
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Emerald_eyed said:
oh yes, men that work pumping gas turn me on........


sheeit, i dont work. i be too busy fucking da white womens while dey husbands be workin'. sometimes i even wear dey close or sumpin.

SmoothBlackGuy said:
i be fillin up dey pussies like i was working at the shell station, bitch.

Why do I get the feeling this poster is a fraud?
Relax Love, its a regular poster with a part time name for when he gets bored here, and he isnt even black......
SmoothBlackGuy said:
i be fillin up dey pussies like i was working at the shell station, bitch.

Hmmm... how come this sounds like a SMOOTHARYANGUY... :confused:
Now that is one smoooooooth black guy.


Thanks for the chuckles.
Re: Re: i like to assfuck white womens

loveyamon said:
Someone needs to put a bullet in you're ignorant head.

no cracker, i be needin to put my big ole johnson in your cracker moms mouf and make her swallow my creamy ass jizzum. she be gobblin my shit like it was fuckin caviar.
Emerald_eyed said:
oh yes, men that work pumping gas turn me on........


EE, I have the hose if you have the tank.

We can put it on DCL`s Credit card
Killswitch said:
Relax Love, its a regular poster with a part time name for when he gets bored here, and he isnt even black......

Thanks kill , I'll remember that. All is good..
Killswitch said:
Relax Love, its a regular poster with a part time name for when he gets bored here, and he isnt even black......

I think we should take a poll on who SmoothBlackGuy really is! I vote HANNS.

What do I win? :D