I like the new Eminem song...


May 21, 2002
There...I said it. I like his new song from 8 mile...The little prick annoys me to no end, and the fact that I actually like one of his songs is rather a sore spot for me...:rolleyes:

...Surely, this is one of the signs of the Apocalypse...
Lose yourself is a great song indeed. Listen to it all the time in one of my mixes.
I agree. I don't like him, and I may like all of two of his songs, and Lose Yourself is one of them. IMO that song kicks ass on many levels.
Tap-Out said:
I agree. I don't like him, and I may like all of two of his songs, and Lose Yourself is one of them. IMO that song kicks ass on many levels.

And the lyrics have meaning too for a change...
Cibo said:
And the lyrics have meaning too for a change...

Actuially I find a whole bunch of his songs have meaning. The Way I Am, Cleaning Out My Closet, Lose Yourself, Without Me (to some extent), and there may be a couple more that I can't really think of right about now.
"Lose Yourself" is a great tune.

He's also getting critical acclaim for his acting in 8 Mile.

Not too bad for a kid out of the Detroit 'burbs.

And to star with the likes of Brittany Murphy & Kim Basinger....ooooo, make a guy jealous.
I hate to say it but I like it too.

A few more of us and we could start our own group therapy. ;)
I've been a fan of his for a long time..

and yes.. is song lyrics do have a meaning.
Lust Engine said:
Not too bad for a kid out of the Detroit 'burbs.

And to star with the likes of Brittany Murphy & Kim Basinger....ooooo, make a guy jealous.

Well I haven't heard it so I have no opinion.
I just had to come in and troll my very own trollee.

Trollin' LE
Yeah, I think Eminem is the biggest music industry whore around, but I love Lose Yourself. It has a catchy beat and thoughful lyrics.
Emerald_eyed said:
I like it too.

I also am ashamed when I started to like one of his other songs.

*sings*two trailer park girls go round the outside

Have to say, I've amazed myself with how much I like his music...as a friend put it..."it's sorta like watching a train wreck" and the newest off 8-Mile (Lose Yourself) is perfect for flying down the interstate.
Tap-Out said:
Actuially I find a whole bunch of his songs have meaning. The Way I Am, Cleaning Out My Closet, Lose Yourself, Without Me (to some extent), and there may be a couple more that I can't really think of right about now.

Tapout...gotta say that AV is fucking hilarious!!!!
Anyone who doesn't think that all of Slim's stuff has meaning isn't listening hard enough.