I knew none of you had what it takes to download and listen

*bratcat* said:

Excuse me, but who the fuck do you think you are?? You appear to be one of those arrogant assholes who walks into a community of friends and immediately starts picking on people? Go pick a fight with someone who actually gives a shit what you think. :rolleyes:

*bratcat* said:

*reaches behind to sneak in a grope before glaring at the asshole*

*Moves up close behind bratcat, arms around her*

No, Master Fuckwad... that's one of my jobs... :D
Starblayde said:
yep, a 28.8 connection and better things to do :D

Actually StarBlayde, that is basically what I have, 36.6.

thats why I search for programs that do what the big ones do only with us slower connected people in mind.