I just watched "blow"

It's a very good movie. I have it at the cottage and always wish the kinky sex scenes were more than a few frames.

And the ending always makes me cry.
Although if it was supposed to make me want to do less drugs, it failed miserably.

It did however make me never want to be a high level drug dealer. However, I never wanted that anyway, so this isn't saying much.
I just congradulate Johnny Depp for mastering the pimp walk.
He is really good. Very nice job with the voice, and going through almost the whole film with rather unfortunate hair. Looks like he put on quite a paunch for it as well.
Blow was infinately better than "Traffic"

If you haven't seen Traffic... Lucky you.
ChilledVodka said:
Chicks dig that?

I should try that more often.

Well, not a steady diet of whining like Lasher....but shedding a tear at the right moment is like catnip.
I did see Traffic. On a flight to NY as I recall. It was ok, it had its moments. I think all the 'Mexico' stuff was good; the Micheal Douglas and his kid shit was not so great (except the scene where he was in the car with that guy from That 70's Show; that was a good moment there). But yeah I think blow was better, overall.

p_l_s, it's not even just that he's yummy - although he certainly is - it's that he's really, really good. He definitely is not looking his most glamorous in this film, that's for sure.
After about an hour and a half of Traffic there came a seen I thought would be the ending. Was it? no. I can't remember how long that movie was (2 1/2 hrs?) but if they had just kept those interesting parts and throw out all the boring trash it could have been a decent movie. Blow kept me glued to the screen. The whole thing was gripping and dare I say, educational.
sterlingclay said:
After about an hour and a half of Traffic there came a seen I thought would be the ending. Was it? no. I can't remember how long that movie was (2 1/2 hrs?)

LOL well the flight from Heathrow to Newark is about 6 on a good day so the longer the better really
peachykeen said:
LOL well the flight from Heathrow to Newark is about 6 on a good day so the longer the better really

I'm kind of surprised they would show that movie in a plane. I thought it was only like the Lion King or on that level.

I'd rather see Hamlet (Kenneth Branaugh) on a flight like that. At four hours and a very familiar script, the time would fly. (pun?)
For transatlantic, I always fly Virgin. They have the best selections for entertainment, what with Branson having his hand in a bit of everything. I absolutely hate flying, but the one thing I like about it is that I get to catch up on movies I've missed. Virgin always has a choice of at least six films, four 'TV' channels and about eight 'radio stations', plus video games.