I just want open-minded fuck buddies and


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
a wall mounted sybian, so I can back that ass up.

Ever try Chili's El Presidente Margaritas??

A definite must for any respectable slumber party!!

I am assuming co-ed...
perky_baby said:
a wall mounted sybian, so I can back that ass up.


Most excellent idea PB; if you get the wall mounted sybian could I watch please?? :devil:

Can I watch at least....

perhaps I could learn a thing or two. I know I tried it in the past but I am not cut out for a simple fuck buddy. I wear this heart on my sleeve. So I was foiled I tell you.

Hmm can somebody pass me a Margaretta?

*perhaps you can make a list of fuck buddies with no strings attached.
i want me a cute brunette with whom I can get high and won't mind me tying her to the bed and doing all sorts of stuff to her.
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Hiya Ms. Fruit.

I was watching Sybian video all day, and ummmm... now my ass muscles are sore.

I might have thought of you once or twice.
perky_baby said:
Hiya Ms. Fruit.

I was watching Sybian video all day, and ummmm... now my ass muscles are sore.

I might have thought of you once or twice.

We need to have us an all-girl party in Reno before I leave this fabulous house. :)