I just got my ASS kicked


Mar 12, 2002
in a game of literati.

The score was something gross like 312-168. Oh god, I'm so ashamed.
vixenshe said:
in a game of literati.

The score was something gross like 312-168. Oh god, I'm so ashamed.

Don't feel bad, I don't even know what "literati" is :(

Care to show me the ropes teach?.
Hey vixen....when you said you could bench 150lbs.was that with free weights, or cases of cheeze whiz?

Killswitch said:
Hey vixen....when you said you could bench 150lbs.was that with free weights, or cases of cheeze whiz?


freeweights, shitface.

But hey, 150 lbs is 150 lbs.

feathers or bricks, it's all the same.
Yeah, but the motivational aspect changes depending on wht "you" lift....

It's all very psychological.
Killswitch said:
Yeah, but the motivational aspect changes depending on wht "you" lift....

It's all very psychological.

it was freeweights. I work out in a gym. OH MY GOD, I know what a gym is, right? Yeah, fuck you too, halfwit.
lol....honey you couldnt squat 500, or bench 150 if jesus was your spotter.....so come off it.

I dont know what you do at the gym when you are there, but from what I have seen it aint the stairstepper thats for sure.
Dont' worry about it, vixie. He's on layoff. I am sure it has been a long time since he's lifted anything heavier than the television remote.
Killswitch said:
lol....honey you couldnt squat 500, or bench 150 if jesus was your spotter.....so come off it.

I dont know what you do at the gym when you are there, but from what I have seen it aint the stairstepper thats for sure.

All of the weight I have on me ain't fat. A lot is muscle. So unless you wanna come spot me and I can prove you wrong, fuck right off, dumbass.

sometimes a good ass kicking ,will make you HARD as a rock.
LOL...excellent point...

vixenshe said:
freeweights, shitface.

But hey, 150 lbs is 150 lbs.

feathers or bricks, it's all the same.

weight is weight....excellent response...by the way...1) since your post was on a semi-intelligent subject like Lit....he was obviously covering for his "short man's disease," and 2) my natural piglike inclination forced me to check out the major league ta-ta's in your av...very nice...
big mama

since you've lost so much wieght ...no ASS to kick no more...ha,,,,:D
okay I thought this was another one of your sex threads, and it said "licked".

carry on.
Killswitch said:
lol....honey you couldnt squat 500, or bench 150 if jesus was your spotter.....so come off it.

I dont know what you do at the gym when you are there, but from what I have seen it aint the stairstepper thats for sure.
And it definitely doesn't matter how much iron you pump, because you're such a coward that if you were threatened by anyone tougher than a 9-year old girl, your balls would run screaming up your body and turn into ovaries.

Killswitch said:
lol....honey you couldnt squat 500, or bench 150 if jesus was your spotter.....so come off it.

I dont know what you do at the gym when you are there, but from what I have seen it aint the stairstepper thats for sure.

What's the big deal about benching 150lb. Why is that so unbelievable to you? There are women at the gym that I go to (Powerhouse #1, in Detroit) who can do one armed bent rows with 150 pound dumb bells.

This kind of makes it seem like you, who I assume are a grown man, can't bench much more than 150 pounds.
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teddybear4play said:
And it definitely doesn't matter how much iron you pump, because you're such a coward that if you were threatened by anyone tougher than a 9-year old girl, your balls would run screaming up your body and turn into ovaries.


That's a good one! I may have to quote you, you know. lol
Damn the dyslexia, When I read the title it looked liked I just got my ass licked. :p